Aim: What are the many conveniences available to the consumer today? Do Now: complete handout Hw: finish research
There are many conveniences today that did not exist 10 – 15 years ago At the click of a mouse, you can access information: About companies Compare products Compare prices Read customer reviews
Other conveniences: Smart phone Social media E- readers You Tube Map Apps The cloud 3-D Printers
Portability – Many conveniences can be brought anywhere Smart Phones Tablets Lap tops E - Readers
Speed You can obtain information at any time quickly Many businesses use the Internet to provide customers with Instant Updates – let the customers know the latest about what’s going on in business. Why is this important?
Buying on line vs. Buying in a Store What do you need to buy on line? What do you need to shop at a brick and mortar store? Know how to read Know how to use a computer or tablet Know how to type in a credit card number Know how to drive How to find a store How to cope with crowds, lines and fatigue
Let’s Review What are some conveniences that we have now, but did not have during the last decade? How have these conveniences changed your life? What convenience could you not live without? What is portability? Why is it so important in today’s life? What is an Instant Update? Why is it important Compare buying on line to making a purchases in a brick and mortar store.