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Presentation transcript:

Testable Questions

“What is a testable question?” Testable questions are always about changing one thing to see what the effect is on another thing. CAUSE and EFFECT! Cause = Changed thing Effect = Result from the changed thing EX: How does the amount of water affect the height of the plant? What is being CHANGED? What is the EFFECT?

YOUR TURN: Identify what is being changed (the cause) and what is the effect of the change (the effect). How does the height of the ramp affect the speed of the car going down?

Which of these questions can be answered by an investigation? A testable question can be answered by an investigation. How can we overcome the force of gravity to make a model rocket fly? Why do mammals have fur? Which of these questions can be answered by an investigation?

How can we overcome the force of gravity to make a model rocket fly? A class investigated this question when they built model rockets using water bottles and straws. How did they make the model rocket fly? What did they change to make the model rocket fly higher? These investigations are part of grade 3.

A testable question allows you to collect and analyze specific data. How are temperatures different in sunny and shady areas? Why is it hotter in a sunny area than it is in a shady area? Which of these questions will allow you to collect and analyze data? What data would you collect?

How are temperatures different in sunny and shady areas? A class investigated this question when they put thermometers in sunny and shady areas. What did they notice about the temperatures in the sunny and shady areas? Why did the temperature of the thermometers change differently in different areas?

A testable question can be tested safely with tools and materials at school or at home. How hot can a 60 watt light bulb get? How can we see the path of light? Which of these questions can be tested safely with tools and materials we have?

How can we see the path of light? A class investigated this question when they sprinkled powder in the air and watched how light traveled. How is this a safer investigation than the other one? What tools could students use to investigate in this activity?

What are some different ways we can sort these pictures of animals? A testable question is not answered with “yes” or “no” opinion or by explanations in a book. What are some different ways we can sort these pictures of animals? Can we sort the five groups of vertebrate animals? Which of these questions can be investigated in class? Which question can be answered by “yes” or “no”?

What are some different ways we can sort these pictures of animals? A class investigated this question when they sorted pictures of animals. How did they sort the animals into groups? Which animals have backbones? Which animals do not have backbones?

How can we measure liquids? What do bean plants need to grow well? A testable question does not ask how to perform a skill. How can we measure liquids? What do bean plants need to grow well? Which of these questions can be investigated in class? Which question asks you to perform a skill?

What do bean plants need to grow well? A class investigated the effects of light and no light on how bean plants grow. What did they keep the same for all of the bean plants? What did they change on purpose? How did they collect data?

Now it is your turn… Look at the questions you have. Sort the questions into two groups: Testable questions Questions that are not testable

What makes a question testable? A testable question Has a cause and an effect Can be answered by an investigation. allows for collection and analysis of data. can be tested safely with tools and materials at school or at home. is not answered with “yes” or “no” opinion, or by explanations in books. does not ask how to perform a skill.

Testable Question Formats How does _________ affect ________? Does _________ affect __________? If I change __________, will it affect __________?