SCSU Technology Update Spring 2004 Kristi Tornquist
Technology for Teaching and Learning
Electronic Classroom Support Maintenance Schedule Rooms inventoried every 6 weeks Thorough servicing of all equipment 3 times/year Approximately 30 - 40 lamps replaced each year Stolen equipment/security issues
Instructional Management System Desire2Learn selected through MnSCU RFP process Contract up to 10 years MnSCU paying transition year costs, and possibly beyond SCSU faculty and staff are members of MnSCU transition teams SCSU faculty supported moving to D2L and Provost Spitzer approved the change in December 2003 Faculty access and training began January 2004 and conversion to be completed by September 1, 2004
SCSU is the lead institution for the state on the project $299,000 in additional grant funding received Pilot project with Stearns History Museum digitized 505 photographs of South St. Cloud
Technology for Students
General Access Computer Lab Locations
14 Open Labs (375 Computers) 7 Miller Center Labs (193 Computers) 35 Discipline Related Labs (681 Computers) 56 Total Labs (1249 Computers)
Student Training Every semester 10 – 12 MiniTab workshops for up to 30 students in each session Piloted more general workshops for students to gauge interest Full slate of weekly workshops for FY04
Technology for Faculty and Staff
35% 65%
College Support Technicians One more half-time position added (COSE) Now have at least one college technician in every college Regular meetings of all campus technicians Listserv for campus technicians Discussion of common problems, common based desktop images, etc.
Training/Workshops Online registration system now used CIS: 12 different topic areas IMS: 22 Different topic areas Documentation rewritten and updated Microsoft applications, including Project, Visio and Publisher WebCT Multimedia for the Web Dreamweaver and other Web tools Video Production
Training/Workshops MnSCU-related events hosted @ SCSU Week-long Summer Institute for online courses Course design Instructional technologies Peer support Electronic portfolio training
Other Information Technology Resources
Software Licensing Agreements Campus Microsoft Agreement Added Project and Visio Norton Antivirus agreement Through MnSCU: Adobe Macromedia ESRI Geographical Information Systems Keyserver licensing Used extensively in student labs Piloted Dreamweaver through a MnSCU grant Exploring metered use for faculty/staff
Security Additional virus protection implemented in February of 2003 46 different attachment types blocked Thousands of different viruses have been filtered Implemented Spam filtering in April 2003 Percent of Inbound E-mail identified as Spam has ranged from 32 – 66% False positive rate of .0036%
47% 62% 56%
Network Uptime Uptime of 99.18% Down less than 6 hours per month total, including scheduled maintenance Minimal downtime due to security, virus, denial of service
in Megabits/second
Wireless Network Access Funded primarily by student technology fees 12 Academic areas completed, including: Administrative Services Atwood Memorial Center Business Building Engineering and Computing Center Education Building Kiehle Visual Arts Center Miller Center Remainder of campus to be completed Summer 2004
Campus Wireless Coverage
Americans with Disabilities Act Four open computer labs with wheelchair accessible furniture Four Miller Center workstations with assistive enhancements Large resolution display EasyBall & Trackballs Reader software for web pages, print material, electronic documents Web site changes continue to move SCSU toward full ADA compliance
Administrative Services 350 ad hoc requests for data or information Developed or significantly upgraded seven Web enabled applications 4,000 requests for test scoring service Implemented document imaging system for administrative departments Ongoing support for 3,525 telephones and 450 voice mail boxes
Telephone Services Campus PBX system replaced Centrex system Service began June 13, 2003 Both analog and digital lines, with IP telephony Enhanced base services, including voice mail and caller ID Additional features such as integrated messaging (voicemail in e-mail) are being piloted
Web Services Sites continue to migrate to the new server environment Content management software is being piloted to improve site maintenance Web Council being institutionalized as called for in the SCSU Technology Plan
MnSCU Initiatives Minnesota Online Seamless Project 10 areas Standardization of Business Practices Portal Project Minnesota Digital Learning Plan Acceptable Use Policies Aleph Library System
Technology Committees Technology and Pedagogical Resources Teaching Learning Technology Roundtable Student Technology Fee Committee Technology Master Plan committee list E-Learning Classroom resources Mobile Devices Wireless Etc.
Thank you!