Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 1,000,000 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 500,000 300,000 5th Grade Respect 1 5th Grade Respect 2 175,000 100,000 4th Grade Respect 3 4th Grade Respect 4 50,000 3rd Grade Respect 5 3rd Grade Respect 6 25,000 10,000 2nd Grade Respect 7 2nd Grade Respect 8 5,000 2,000 1st Grade Respect 9 1st Grade Respect 10 1,000
“I’m not getting off the swing just so you can’t swing” You are on the playground swinging and someone else ask if they can swing after you. What is the respectful thing to say? “No” “I’m not getting off the swing just so you can’t swing” “Sure, give me a second and let me finish” “Why should I?”
5th Grade Respect 1 Answer “Sure, give me a second and let me finish” Return
Lie and tell her it wasn’t you Blame someone else You are called to the principals office because you are in trouble. The principal ask you to tell her what you did wrong. What is the respectful thing to do? Tell her the truth Lie and tell her it wasn’t you Blame someone else Tell her what you could have done differently to make it right
5th Grade Respect 2 Answer Tell her the truth Tell her what you could have done differently to make it right Return
Get even more mad and never talk to your friend again You and your friend get in a fight and you call your friend an ugly name. What is the respectful thing to do? Get even more mad and never talk to your friend again Make fun of your friend Keep being mean and call your friend another ugly name Tell your friend you are sorry or not call your friend an ugly name
4th Grade Respect 3 Answer Tell your friend you are sorry or not call your friend an ugly name Return
Make jokes with your friends Make noises (like humming) You are sitting in class and the teacher is teaching. What is a way that you can be respectful to the teacher? Laugh at her Make jokes with your friends Make noises (like humming) Listen to her and pay attention
4th Grade Respect 4 Answer Listen to her and pay attention Return
Get up and ask a friend for help Everyone in the class is working hard on their work. You on the other hand cannot get it. What is the respectful thing to do? Get up and ask a friend for help Raise your hand and ask your teacher for help Throw objects around the room Give up and put your head down to go to sleep
3rd Grade Respect 5 Answer Raise your hand and ask your teacher for help Return
Purposefully close the door Make sure the door shuts You are walking in the door and there is someone behind you. You realize that the door is going to shut. What should you do to be respectful? Purposefully close the door Make sure the door shuts Hold the door for the person Keep walking in the door and act like you didn’t see the person
3rd Grade Respect 6 Answer Hold the door for the person
You know the answer and you really want to answer it You know the answer and you really want to answer it. In what way can you be respectful to the class? Say “I know, I know” Yell out the answer Wait your turn and raise your hand in hopes that you get called on. When someone else is called on, say the answer out loud before they can say it
2nd Grade Respect 7 Answer Wait your turn and raise your hand in hopes that you get called on. Return
You want to make friends in the school You want to make friends in the school. What is a way to be respectful and make friends? Make fun of others Be mean and hit/kick others Call others ugly names Be kind to others like you would want others to be kind to you
2nd Grade Respect 8 Answer Be kind to others like you would want others to be kind to you Return
Tell one of your friends to steal it You see an awesome yoyo sitting in someone’s cubby. What is the respectful thing to do? Tell one of your friends to steal it Tell the person who’s yoyo it is that they may want to put it up where no one can see it You steal it Hide it from the person
1st Grade Respect 9 Answer Tell the person who’s yoyo it is that they may want to put it up where no one can see it Return
Ask the teacher for help Ask your friend for help You are mad because you don’t understand a math question in class and it seems like everyone else understands it. What is the respectful thing to do? Ask the teacher for help Ask your friend for help Interrupt the whole class by yelling and throwing a fit Interrupt the whole class by throwing pencils.
1st Grade Respect 10 Answer Ask the teacher for help Return
Million Dollar Question
What is a respectful way to answer to a teacher? Say “yes mam” Say “no mam” Say “I don’t understand what you are asking” Say “You don’t know what you are talking about!”
1,000,000 Answer Say “yes mam” Say “no mam” Say “I don’t understand what you are asking” Return
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