Friday 15th September Meet the Headteacher Meeting Miss Goodson
My Core Beliefs and Values Schools are places of learning All children can learn and be successful We do what is best for the children It’s about relationships – community and respect It’s about being “great” – high expectations Teaching is an Art not a Science Simple but effective
School Vision Our Vision At Winshill Village Primary and Nursery we provide a happy, safe and stimulating learning environment. The school community works collaboratively to ensure the children: Learn and achieve to the best of their abilities, grow in confidence and develop to their full potential. Have pride in themselves, their work and their community surroundings. Are responsible and caring and are able to distinguish between right and wrong. Understand their own rights and responsibilities and those of others. We foster and nurture the hopes and ambitions for your children to build a successful future. We are a small school, but we have big ideas and do not set limits on what our children can aspire to and achieve. We welcome and encourage the support and involvement of parents and the wider community in the life of our school.
Communication with parents Door in the morning On the playground in the evening Make an appointment via the office Fortnightly newsletters Website (currently being updated) Parents Evenings (one per term) Through governors – we have a parent governor vacancy!
Priorities for this year…. Behaviour Developing Leadership at every level Teaching, Learning & Assessment (particularly Maths & English) Raising aspirations and attainment across our school Consistency of high expectations and achievements for all pupils.