STAFF MEETING AGENDA Wednesday 4th September 2013 Introduction and Welcome Jane English Results Jane English Academy Priorities Jane English INFORMATION ITEMS
WELCOME TO NEW STAFF Caroline Thompson English Ian Wadsley History Philip Mathieson i/c Business Studies Chris Rowe Maths Kieron Scott IT Jeremy Skates Personalised Learning Co-ordinator Michelle Wilson Pastoral Support Manager Samantha Vaudrey English & Ethics
NEW STAFF continued Emma Parfitt Food Technology (Maternity Cover) Jennifer Mills Sports Technician Andrew Lambart Cover Supervisor Jessica Ball Cover Supervisor Russell Martin Cover Supervisor Ben Swettenham Cover Supervisor James Sach Cover Supervisor
CHANGE OF ROLE Ann Kempson Personalised Learning Manager David Carpenter Associate Principal Anne Freeman Associate Principal Helen Wilkinson Associate Principal Tim Willcocks Associate Principal
ACADEMY PERFORMANCE 2012 - 2013 Academic Year 2011 2012 2013 Attendance 92.50% 92.6% 92.7% Unauthorised Absence 1.3% 1.2% Persistent Absentees 85% or less (previously 80% or less) 13.7% 10.31% 11.16% 5
Key Stage 3 2013 Subject 2011 2012 2013 Level 5 & above English 65% 79% 88% Mathematics 75% 78% Science 81% 89% Pupils achieving Level 5 or above in English and Maths 52% 71% 76% 6
YEAR 7 PROGRESS SUBJECT Below Target On Target Above Target ENGLISH Above or On Target Number of Students ENGLISH 50% 38% 12% 205 FRENCH 16% 27% 57% 84% GEOGRAPHY 20% 47% 33% 80% HISTORY 43% 37% ICT 21% 71% 8% 79% MATHS 53% 26% 203 PE 59% SCIENCE 17% 32% 51% 83% TECHNOLOGY 28% 22%
YEAR 8 PROGRESS SUBJECT Below Target On Target Above Target ART 38% Above or On Target Number of Students ART 38% 48% 14% 62% 233 DRAMA 36% 37% 27% 64% 216 ENGLISH 40% 41% 19% 60% 236 FRENCH 18% 42% 222 GEOGRAPHY 30% 34% HISTORY 39% 73% 235 ICT 32% 20% 68% MATHS 65% 16% 35% MUSIC 53% 33% 88% 223 PE 28% 232 RE 8% 82% 10% 92% SCIENCE 29% 59% TECHNOLOGY 24% 52% 187
YEAR 9 PROGRESS SUBJECT Below Target On Target Above Target ART 19% Above or On Target Number of Students ART 19% 42% 39% 81% 184 DRAMA 33% 14% 53% 67% 142 ENGLISH 26% 21% 47% 264 FRENCH 50% 12% 38% 242 GEOGRAPHY 45% 27% 28% 55% 267 HISTORY 48% 271 ICT 15% 35% 85% 266 MATHS 65% 16% 263 MUSIC 20% 30% 80% 191 PE 23% 40% 37% 77% 260 RE 18% 44% 82% 247 SCIENCE 78% 8% 22% 265 TECHNOLOGY 41% 59% 259
GCSE COMPARISON 3 Years 2011 2012 2013 No of Pupils 275 233 262 % achieve 5 incl En & Ma 40.73% 45.92% 51.53% 3 Levels of Progress English 65% 55% 68% 3 Levels of Progress Maths 46% 57% 60% 5 or more A* - C 73.45% 79.40% 86.64% 5 or more A*-G 92.36% 92.70% 95.42% Average points Score 448 433 439.17 ½ a GCSE or more 98.91% (3) 98.71% (3) 100% 10
2013 Results Governors’ Comments Great results. Well done to everyone involved; I am delighted that all your hard work has been rewarded. Those are very good results to see and you should and must all be delighted. Perhaps a “Good” isn’t so far out of reach after all! All the hard work has been rewarded. Really excellent results. Please pass on congratulations to everybody. This is super news! These are wonderful results and a credit to all the hard work and effort from the staff. Congratulations everyone! Bring it on Ofsted!
The GROUPS (Percentages) Boys Girls Pupil Premium Non Pupil Premium 2011 2012 2013 No of Pupils 149 132 124 101 138 50 83 87 223 150 175 5 or more A*- C (%) 79 77 85 73 88 58 71 74 81 92 5 or more inc En & Ma (%) 40 37 44 43 57 59 30 33 39 53 3 Levels Progress English (%) 46 56 72 66 78 45 41 52 68 62 75 3 Levels Progress Maths (%) 51 54 63 35 38 49 65 12
The GROUPS (Percentages) SA SA+ ST Non SEN 2011 2012 2013 No of Pupils 46 51 52 47 54 62 9 13 6 171 115 147 5 or more A*- C (%) 76 84 94 32 61 33 91 97 5 or more inc En & Ma (%) 15 31 27 11 59 73 77 3 Levels Progress English (%) 66 57 21 25 35 38 17 50 75 85 3 Levels Progress Maths (%) 42 60 20 24 55 80 13
The GROUPS (Percentages) High Middle Low 2011 2012 2013 No of Pupils 55 37 73 140 124 137 69 66 46 5 or more A*- C (%) 87 97 91 43 59 5 or more inc En & Ma (%) 82 84 88 56 49 3 8 3 Levels Progress English (%) 75 62 76 67 70 45 42 36 3 Levels Progress Maths (%) 78 54 68 64 22 23 14 14
GCSE RESULTS A*-C 2013 Figures Based on 262 pupils but only 218 entered for 5 or more GCSEs, 10 or 4 % entered for less than 5 135 gained 5 or more A*-C inc En & Ma grades based on 262 pupils (increase of 6%) 44% of Boys increase of 7% 59% of Girls increase of 2% 226 students – 86.6 % achieved 5 or more A*-C (increase of 7%) All pupils achieved a qualification Gap between Pupil premium and Non pupil premium closed by 2% in achieving 5 or more A*-C inc En & Ma to 18% 15
2013 GCSE Results A*- C Subject Value 2011 % 2012 2013 Number of Students Maths 1 GCSE 50.4 51.6 53.3 212 Double Maths 2 GCSE’s --- 61.4 82 50 Overall 56 59.2 262 16
2013 GCSE Results A*- C --- 17 Subject Value 2011 % 2012 2013 Number of Students English 1 GCSE 57.6 54.5 63.7 262 English Lit 45.1 36 61.39 158 English Lit (no iGCSE) 81.35 118 Media Studies --- 76 17 2 GCSE’s 37.7 53.3 91.0 11 French 3.1 3.2 58 31 Spanish 100 3 German 1 * 17
2013 GCSE Results A*- C Subject Value 2011 % 2012 2013 Number of Students Biology 1 GCSE 59 53.8 92.31 26 Chemistry 46.2 80.77 Physics Core Science --- 42 53.06 98 Additional Science 39.12 92 18
2013 GCSE Results A*- C Subject Value 2011 % 2012 2013 Number of Students BTEC Science 1 GCSE --- 100 88 27 2 GCSE 98 109 Sociology 42.9 52.4 36 25 Health and Social Care 16 Childcare 57 96.3 18.5 19
2013 GCSE Results A*- C Subject Value 2011 % 2012 2013 Number of Students Geography 1 GCSE 31.7 71.4 59.5 37 General Studies 16.4 13.6 21.6 208 History 53.1 41 47.7 44 RE -- 73.7 50.9 55 Public Services 2 GCSE’s 100 12 20
2013 GCSE Results A*- C Subject Value 2011 % 2012 2013 Number of Students OCR ICT 1 GCSE 96 99 100 62 2 GCSE’s 188 Business Studies 86 79 20 21
2013 GCSE Results A*- C Subject Value 2011 % 2012 2013 Number of Students BTEC Sport 2 GCSE’s 100 97 57 4 GCSE’s 96 20 22
2013 GCSE Results A*- C Subject Value 2011 % 2012 2013 Number of Students BTEC Art 1 GCSE --- 67 97 11 2 GCSE’s 100 83 65 BTEC Graphics 87.5 15 BTEC 3D Product 81 94 31 23
2013 GCSE Results A*- C Subject Value 2011 % 2012 2013 Number of Students BTEC Dance 2 GCSE’s --- 91 35 BTEC Music 1 GCSE 100 7 81 83 BTEC Drama 27 24
2013 GCSE Results A*- C Subject Value 2011 % 2012 2013 Number of Students Food 1 GCSE 7.84 20 55.2 29 Textiles --- 100 19 25
FOCUS FOR 2014 All GCSE subjects to be accurate in their predictions Pupil premium students, Narrowing the Gap Future proofing subjects for educational changes Target 54% - 5 or more inc English & Maths 26
POST 16 Results 2013 27
POST 16 RESULTS 2011 2012 2013 Number of Students 195 157 Number of Students Counting 57 53 Average Points Score per Student 629 638 636 Average Points Score per Entry 206 200 28
POST 16 RESULTS 2011 2012 2013 % of KS5 achieving 3 or more A Levels inc equivalent 77 82 92 % of KS5 achieving 2 or more A Levels inc equivalent 91 96 98 29
ALPS for 6th Form
AS ALPS Score 31 Year 2011 2012 2013 Financial Studies 1 Biology 8 English Lit 2 Health + Social Care - 6 Law 5 4 Maths 7 Psychology Religious Studies Extended Project 31
A2 ALPS Score 32 Year 2011 2012 2013 Cache Childcare 1 2 3 Chemistry - 9 Financial Studies Biology 8 English Lit 7 Law 6 Maths 5 Physics Psychology Religious Studies 32
BTEC (Single) ALPS Score Year 2011 2012 2013 Applied Science 6 9 Art - 8 Performing Arts 2 Drama 5 Sport 4 7 Travel Tourism Business Studies ICT 3 33
BTEC (Double) ALPS Score Year 2011 2012 2013 Art - 6 Public Services 3 5 4 Travel Tourism 1 BTEC (Triple) ALPS Score Year 2011 2012 2013 Public Services - 1 5 Sport (Development Coaching) 2 3 Sport (Performance Excellence) 34
THE KEY FOCUS OF THE ACADEMY High quality “Good” or better teaching and learning which leads to “Good” or better pupil progress
MAJOR CHANGE Performance of teaching staff related to pay New Policies: Pay Policy Appraisal Policy Capability Policy
OFSTED We could have the phone call as soon as Monday 9th September New documentation has been produced We edge closer to a “Good”
Academy Priorities 2013/14 Improve Numeracy skills and levels of progress in Maths at both KS3 and KS4 Enhance the skills and knowledge of Middle Managers to enable them to implement the new 2013 Pay and Appraisal Policies Engage with Primary Academies to develop a joint approach to improving levels of Literacy
Academy Priorities cont. 4. Improve the quality of Teaching and Learning across the Academy to achieve consistently “Good” teaching and an increase in consistently “Outstanding” teaching, which leads to consistently “Good” or better pupil progress. 5. Ensure curriculum and examination entry policy enables the Value Added score to be consistently above 1000