The Indian Wars: Part 1 Above is a depiction of Native American hunting a buffalo. As American citizens went west, their hunting radically reduced the buffalo population.
C. Rebuilding a Nation (ca. 1877-ca. 1914) 1.Industrialization and Urbanization a. Evaluate the impact of new inventions and technologies of the late nineteenth century g. Identify and evaluate the influences on the development of the American West h. Analyze significant events for Native American Indian tribes, and their responses to those events, in the late nineteenth century
Modern Day USA Use this as a modern day reference of the USA. Then, compare it with important Native American areas.
Use this map to show the wide spread of Native American people groups across the Americas before European exploration.
Use this map to show how many Americans wanted to travel west and how this impacted interaction with and hostilities toward Native Americans.
The Native Americans of the West Many ethnocentrically viewed the Native Americans as savages. Yet, the Great Plains consisted of complex, intricate civilizations. Many were organized into agrarian societies. However, others were nomadic tribes, such as the Sioux and Cheyenne. This meant they traveled constantly following animals, like buffalo. Copyright, All Rights Reserved.
Horses Arrive From Europe The Spanish brought horses at the end of the 16th century. Native Americans did not invent the wheel or use horses before this era. Horse riding, guns, other inventions and innovations changed life forever. Many agrarian cultures became nomads. Buffalo provided clothing, food, shelter for the Native Americans and the expansion of whites westward depleted the buffalo population. This caused conflict in the west. Copyright, All Rights Reserved.
Use this picture to show how horses changed buffalo hunting for Native Americans.
Use this picture to show how horses changed buffalo hunting for Native Americans.
Native American Cultures Extended families of Native Americans cohabitated. Men hunted and women prepared the food. Women sometimes chose their husband in matriarchal societies. Shamans were religious leaders for animistic religions. Most tribes were ruled by counsels with multiple leaders. Copyright, All Rights Reserved.
Westward Expansion Culture clash was inevitable. Many Native Americans did not believe one could “own” land. Some of European descent felt God wanted America to expand west and own the land. This religious belief was called “Manifest Destiny.” There were many Westward Expansion motivations such as gold, natural resources, space, and railroads motivated others to come to the area. Copyright, All Rights Reserved.
In Colorado, in 1858, gold rushes pushed people West. Americans Move West In Colorado, in 1858, gold rushes pushed people West. Many felt that, if they went West, they could strike it rich quickly. Others wanted to profit by providing goods and services to those going West. German, Polish, Irish, Chinese, and African American peoples tried to profit from Westward Expansion and these groups intermingled in the region. Copyright, All Rights Reserved.
Hostilities With Native Americans There was no extreme push for assimilation in the government’s initial interaction with the Native Americans in the West. The western Great Plains were intended to be reservations for the Native Americans. Yet, in the1850s, the railroads proved to be efficient means of travel. This led to many white Americans traveling to the West. Copyright, All Rights Reserved.