A clause is a group of words with its own subject and verb. CLAUSES A clause is a group of words with its own subject and verb.
CLAUSES There are two basic types of clauses, and there is an important difference between them. Independent Clause: has a subject and a verb and can stand by itself as a complete sentence Dependent Clause Has a subject and verb but cannot stand by itself as a complete sentence.
Independent clauses can be long or short What is important is that the clause expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself as a complete sentence.
s v s v In the morning, we practiced ton the beginners’ slope. INDEPENDENT CLAUSES Example - The ski lift took us up the mountain. In the morning, we practiced ton the beginners’ slope. Lance Armstrong, an American cyclist, won the Tour de France. s v s v
It is an incomplete thought and only part of a sentence SUBORDINATE CLAUSES A subordinate clause contains a subject and a verb but cannot stand by itself It is an incomplete thought and only part of a sentence
s v v s When the bicycle had a flat tire SUBORDINATE CLAUSES Example - After she reached the top of the hill When the bicycle had a flat tire As you can see something is missing from the clause making it an incomplete sentence. s v v s
When mountain biking began in California Label each group of words as an independent clause or a subordinate clause. When mountain biking began in California subordinate
Although regular bikes did not work very well subordinate
Riders made their own bikes for their special needs independent
Mountain bikes are made of strong, light metals independent
Cyclists ride independent
When Jeremy called last night, I was not home. MORE PRACTICE!!!!! For each of the following sentences identify the underlined group of words as independent or subordinate. When Jeremy called last night, I was not home. subordinate
I know the woman who owns that store. subordinate
If he finishes his report on time, he can go to the beach Saturday. subordinate
When you reach the end of the hall way turn right. independent
This is the poem that I memorized last year. subordinate
We didn’t go to her party because we went camping that weekend. independent
The student whom I nominated for class president is Lindsey. subordinate
I can’t concentrate when you practice your trumpet with your door open subordinate
Although these colors are beautiful, I don’t like the painting. independent
The man whom you met is the president of the group. subordinate
Whenever you dust the shelves I sneeze. independent
John is the boy who is on the swim team. subordinate
The girls who painted that mural live in my neighborhood subordinate
Please fold these clothes before they become wrinkled. subordinate
After we wrapped the presents, we hurried to the post office. independent
My aunt stays at our house when she comes to the city for business meetings. subordinate
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, and take the chicken out of the refrigerator. independent