City Council Hearing #2 April 18, 2017
City Council Hearings April 18 Staff Presentation April 4, 2017 Meeting overview Public Comment Review and Confirmation - Intent Motions Growth Strategy Agricultural Mitigation Agricultural Buffer Farmland Soils Map Refinements Direction for preparation of final documents
April 4, 2017 Council Meeting Overview Encompassed a joint Planning Commission and Staff recommended growth strategy and Land Use Map Review of Commission recommendations Farmland Soils Map/ 900 acres Transportation/Circulation clarifying language Agricultural Buffer Urban Form Errata 9 Intent motions provided by City Council
Land Use Diagram
April 4, 2017 City Council-Summary of Motions Motion #1 – Accept the Farmland Soils Map and add a clarifying note Motion #2 – Accept Specific Plan Areas 1A and 1B in the Plan Motion #3 – Exclude Specific Plan Area 1C Motion #4 – Area 1C to be designated Urban Reserve Motion #5 – Accept the Ag Mitigation Policy, direct staff to prepare an ordinance Motion #6 – Accept Staff and PC language to reduce the Ag Buffer to150-feet Motion #7 – Accept Staff and PC language to clarify “Equal Priority” Motion #8 – Accept Staff and PC Urban Form Language modification Motion #9 – Intent Motion – To certify the EIR, adopt the 2035 General Plan and the 2035 Climate Action Plan
City Council Questions Public Comment
Confirm the new definition for Urban Reserve: Growth Strategy Motions 2, 3 and 4 Motion #2: Accept Specific Plan areas 1A and 1B to move forward Motion #3: Exclude Specific Plan Area-1C Confirm the new definition for Urban Reserve: Urban Reserve designation is applied to land that is not considered for development with urban uses within the planning period of this General Plan. Motion #4: Assign Specific Plan Area 1C to be Urban Reserve, to be designated as “no growth within the life of the General Plan”
Motion #1: Leave the Farmland Soils map and include an additional note on the map to say, “This map may be updated as new maps are issued by the Department of Conservation Confirm that the modified Farmland Map, Figure 7-4, as shown reflects City Council Direction
Agricultural Policy 2.A.3 Policy 2.A.3: Agricultural Mitigation. For impacts to agricultural land within the ULL, require one acre to be permanently conserved for every acre converted to urban development (1:1 ratio). The farmland being conserved must be of the same Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program type (Prime Farmland, Farmland of Statewide Importance, Unique Farmland, Farmland of local Importance) as the farmland being converted, or of a type of higher quality, and the conserved farmland should be located outside of, but as close to the Woodland Urban Limit Line as possible. For projects proposing to convert agricultural land to urban use, require soils analysis to determine the farmland classification for purposes of determining appropriate mitigation as part of environmental review conducted for the project. Motion #5: Leave the current Agricultural Mitigation policy language in place and direct staff to return with an Agricultural Mitigation Ordinance within four months. The ordinance shall evaluate appropriate easement ratios and locations with an emphasis on strengthening the agricultural buffer greenbelt between Woodland and Davis Confirm the suggested change to the Implementation Program in Appendix A as follows: Develop and adopt an Agricultural Mitigation Ordinance that evaluates appropriate mitigation ratios and easement locations with an emphasis on strengthening the agricultural buffer between Woodland and Davis
Policy 7.C.5 – Agricultural Buffer Policy 7.C.5 Agricultural Buffer. Require new development that occurs at the edge of the ULL to be set back a minimum of 300 150 feet from adjacent agricultural land where possible. Equivalent means of providing agricultural buffers may be considered by the Planning Commission on a case by case basis for parcels where development potential would be precluded or severely limited as a result of the required buffer size. The buffer shall be landscaped/vegetated and may include public right of way. (EIR Mitigation Measure 4.2-3) Motion #6: Sustain the Planning Commission recommendation to reduce the minimum agricultural buffer from 300-feet to 150-feet in Policy 7.C.5
Mode Priority Discussion July 8, 2016 Draft Version Suggested Revision in Question Motion #7: Accept Staff’s recommendation to add clarifying language as a footnote to Table 3-2 regarding the term Equal Priority, incorporating the language recommended by the Planning Commission on March 16, 2017. *Equal Priority: recognize the importance of all transportation modes
Motion #8: Add the work “publicly” visible to the Urban Form Errata
Motion #9: Intent to Adopt Re-affirm the Council’s intent to: Recommend certification of the EIR, Recommend Adoption of the 2035 General Plan and 2035 Climate action Plan; Subject to the modifications recommended by City Council at this meeting and everything else proposed