Special Relationships Boston Single Girl I’m just a single girl in Boston; working, living, dating and writing about it all! The stories are real, but the names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent. I write raw, real, experiences of my dating and sexual adventures, always leaving my readers desiring more. Special Relationships Boston Single Girl is the host of Vixen’s view on Renegade Talk Radio. She has written for Singles Warehouse, Kinkly, Indie Chicks Magazine and covers the annual AVN Awards. She has made guest appearances to The Sports Den and Talk2Q radio shows, giving dating, relationship and sex advice. http://www.bostonsinglegirl.com bostnsinglegirl@gmail.com Blog Stats Each number is a monthly average. Visits: 112,003 Page views: 102,026 Unique Visitors: 36,567 BSG on Social Media With a loyal and growing following on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest , BSG is able to use these networks to benefit your brand. Services Offered Looking for someone to help promote your brand? Contact me for more information regarding advertising options, sponsored posts, social media promotion, and product reviews.