E-Infrastructure for e-Science, CERIST-Algiers 15th 07 2010 Dynamics of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in single mode optical fibers Derradji BAHLOUL Université Hadj Lakhdar de Batna Laboratoire de Recherche Physique des Rayonnements et de leurs Interactions avec la Matière LRPRIM Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010 Université Hadj Lakhdar de Batna- Laboratoire LRPRIMA
Applications in industry Metrology: Extreme coherence of Brillouin laser beam : Coherence of about 1Hz Sensing: Using brillouin gain spectrum we get information onTemperature, stress. Telecommunication : Prevent the optical signal coupled into the fiber to be backscattered, we need to avoid SBS. Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Optical fibers as weveguides 3 Optical wave guide having a cylindrical symmetry Core 10 m Cladding 125 m Coatting 250 m 2 1 Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Confinement of the light wave Internal total reflections Cladding of fiber Core of fiber Laser beam Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Refractive index modulation Compression depression leading to spatio-temporal modulation of the density and of the refractive index of the of the medium Sound velocity Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Spontaneous Brillouin scattering Spontaneous BS through Thermal acoustic waves. Pump beam Acoustic wave Sound velocity Brillouin scattered beam (Stokes wave) Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Resonance condition Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Brillouin Spectral Shift Doppler-Fizeau shift because of the velocity of acoustic wave. Pump spectrum a.u Brillouin Stokes spectrum Frequency Frequency Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Brillouin spectrum Lorentzian gain Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Pump Wave Acoustic wave Stokes Brillouin wave Electrostriction Interference Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Brillouin lasers Gain/Active medium : fiber Resonator /Cavity: mirrors Pumping: the pump beam Brillouin scatted beam (Stokes wave) Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Experimental Set up Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Mathematical Model Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Different dynamical regimes Time Beam Power Steady state Mirror regime. Pulsed regime Space Beam Power Time Beam Power Space Beam Power Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Numerical simulation Steady state : Mirror regime Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Numerical simulation Steady state : Mirror regime Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Algorithm Put the initial condition Solve the equations using a numerical method Plot the results periodically Store the data in a data file Repeat the procedure in a for loop Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Initial condition Pump: Brilouin wave: Acoustic wave: Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Changing the referential frame Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Time discretization Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Standard 4th order Rauge Kutta Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Summary of algorthim Initialize Ap, As, Q For n=1 to N Solve Ap, As and Q with RK4 Save Ap, As and Q in a data file Plot Ap, As and Q and save in a gif file Repeat in a loop Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Application porting on EUMED grid Write a script file that encloses all the commands we need to execute on a computing element and the storage in a storage elements. Write a JDL file that specifies the files to be sent and the files to be collected after executing the job. Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Sending the job and getting the result Submit the job with command: Glite-proxy-submit <MyJDL_file>.jdl and get the reference link of thjob <RefrenceLink> Check the stautus of the job using : glite-proxy-submit <RefrenceLink> When the job is terminated, get the output: glite-proxy-ouput <RefrenceLink> Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
The Job to be submitted #!/bin/sh # On the worker node you may have not # execution rights echo "setting right permissions" chmod 755 executable echo " runing right permissions “ executable >exe.out Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
The JDL file to submit the job Type = "Job " ; JobType = "Normal " ; Executable = "script.sh" ; Arguments = “executable " ; StdOutput = "script.out " ; StdError = "script.err"; InputSandbox = {"script.sh"," executable }; OutputSandbox = {"script.out","script.err","exe.out","output.dat " }; ShallowRetryCount = 1; Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
SBS Brillouin pulse Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Pulsed Regime Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Adding Metadata Adding Metadata 1)-Go to Eumed AMGA Catalogue Mdclient 2-Create AMGA directory in the file catalogue >createdir /grid/eumed/Mydir 3- Add the metatadata about th directory Addattr /grid/eumed/Mydir <name> <type> 4-Save the file in the storage element with a logical file name lcg-cr --vo eumed -l lfn:/eumed/Mydir/Mydata.dat -d storm-01.roma3.infn.it file:///$PWD/outout.data 5- specify the metadata for each stored file Addentry /eumed/Mydir/Mydata.dat <name> <type> Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
P Perspectives Parallel programming with MPI Parametric jobs Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010
Thanks Université de Batna - Laboratoire LRPRIMA- EPIKH Workshop CERIST- Algiers 15th 07 2010