Equine-Assisted Therapy (EAT) for children in Algiers Equestrian Club HOPE Espoir Club Équestre Equine-Assisted Therapy (EAT) for children in Algiers
HOPE in Algiers Equestrian Club Hope is an animal assisted therapy farm for children and young people. The following conditions are treated: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Autism Down-Syndrome PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) War- and Abuse-Traumas It is the only place of its kind in Algeria, the largest country in Africa with a population of 40,400,000 (est. 2016). In countries like Algeria, family members with such conditions are still often kept in a room. Others are taken to a mental institution in third world conditions.
Animal Therapy has been proven to be very effective in the treatment of ADHD, Autism, Down-Syndrome and PTSD. Different movements of the horse present challenges that promote different postural responses of the rider. In essence, the horse influences the rider rather than the rider controlling the horse. Equestrian Club HOPE has experienced great achievements which have surprised and encouraged parents to see their children in a new light. The Club depends on donations as most of the families can not pay for treatment. In fact, regular treatment is vital to achieve results.
Dr. Meryama The heart of the poject Dr. Meryama Ben Oufella lived in France for 15 years. She studied Psychology and learned about equine assisted therapy. She had the idea to bring this kind of therapy to Algiers. After a long struggle to get this off the ground, she managed to start the project in 2012. To maintain herself Dr. Meryama works three times a week in her profession with the police force. The rest of the time she works at the farm.
Equine-assisted learning (EAL) is described as an "experiential learning approach that promotes the development of life skills ... through equine-assisted activities.“ Equine-Assisted Activities (EAA) incorporate all of the above activities plus horse grooming and stable managing. The therapy at Club Hope includes family members in order to promote understanding of the child’s condition. But also to support parents that are often over-stressed and overwhelmed with the situation.
But there is much more to it. The little boy is autistic. Two years ago he would not respond nor could he be touched. This photo speaks louder than words.
Workers & Volunteers Currently there are Dr. Meryama Two very dedicated young men, employed at a salary of 350 Euro per month each. Eight volunteers help whenever they have time. In December 2016 over 70 patients took regular treatment.
Farm animals 17 Horses (7 of them are trained & working on a daily basis) Cats Dogs Rabbits Ducks Chicken
Cost per horse monthly 50 Euro Food 20 Euro Saw-wood 80 Euro Horse shoes (daily working horses) 40 Euro Horse shoes (weekly working horses) Doctor Medicine Animal-/riding supplies
Most important needs Equestrian horse riding equipment for handicapped Sick bay for horses Treatment room for horses Horse grooming equipment Building a quiet room with air-conditioning to treat patients and parents in acute stress situations and emotional break downs. Building toilets and sinks Building a room with a cooking area, washroom/toilet for two live-in workers Money for doctors’ bills, medicine, food for the horses.
Please see more on youtube under: https://youtu.be/OWXGz-Yh6EQ