Objectives of Extension The objectives of extension as stated in the vision 2020 document of MOFA are: 1. To formulate and pursue sound gender- sensitive policies that will promote and increase agricultural production. 2. To promote and provide efficient technical services, technology and measures that will diversify food and agricultural production for domestic and export markets.
Objectives cont. To facilitate farmers, fishermen and processors access to credit and marketing. 4. To strengthen institutional capacity for improved agricultural policy formulation, technical services delivery and management. To ensure availability of timely reliable and relevant data on agriculture and information flow for strategic planning purposes for the sector.
Objectives cont. 6. To establish and maintain linkages with relevant institutions. 7. To promote the rule of law, transparency and faster administration of justice.
Mission statement of MoFA MOFA’S mission is to “promote sustainable agriculture and thriving business through research and technology development, effective extension and other support services to farmers, fishermen, processors and traders for improved human livelihood”
Functions of MoFA Facilitate the production of food to ensure food security Facilitate the production of agricultural raw materials for industry Facilitate the production of agricultural raw materials for export
Functions cont. Facilitate efficient and effective input supply and distribution system Facilitate effective and efficient output marketing system Formulate and coordinate the implementation of policies and programmes for the food and agricultural sector.
THE NEW EXTENSION POLICY Agricultural extension services in Ghana have undergone considerable changes in the past four decades. Changes in the political economy, particularly in the liberalization of the economy with more private sector participation in service provision, decentralization of governance and the national focus on poverty reduction, call for a review of agric developmental efforts.
Extension policy cont. The decentralization policy envisages District Assemblies to organize and operate their own extension policies, while MoFA directorates focus on developing policies and programmes, coordination, providing technical backstopping and training services to the regions and districts.
Cont. The growth of the private sector has seen the development of private providers of extension services. This growth is limited to export commodities, but they will continue to grow. This is expected to result in improved farmer coverage.
Cont. Extension delivery is still constrained by a number of factors including: High cost of agricultural inputs Inadequate credit to farmers Poor rainfall distribution Inadequate processing and marketing facilities High incidence of pests and diseases, among others.