Ch. 9.2 Notes : Federal Taxes
Federal Taxes = In order to spend money, the gov raises money by charging various taxes (2013 = $2,780,000,000,000)
II. The Feds get tax money from the following sources: A. Federal Individual Income Tax : 1. taken out of paycheck 2. Used for general government spending 3. Max of 40% if you make >$406,000
Paycheck Example 1
Paycheck Example 2
B. FICA Tax >>>> help old people paycheck tax. 2 Parts….. 1. Social Security >> used to help pay for your retirement a. avg $1200 mo. @ 67 yrs old 2. Medicare >> used to help pay for senior healthcare
C. Corporation Income Tax > companies are taxed on their profits D. Other Taxes a. Stock Profits > 15% b. Gift Tax > giving cash or property while you’re alive ( over 13k year is taxable max of 35%) c. Estate Tax > giving cash or property when you’re dead d. Custom Duties tax > tax on imports e. Excise tax > a set tax built into the price of a product..... Ex. Sin Taxes f. User taxes > ex. National Parks fees
S13 …. Obama Tax Return >> excellent graphs GOV TAX RECEIPTS >>>> 2009 budget, good site