The Global Financial Crisis has sent us all in a spin The Global Financial Crisis has sent us all in a spin. But what about those in the developing world? What about the world’s poorest? Developing countries, despite not being responsible, will pay the heaviest price for this downturn, because they start from a more vulnerable position and because they lack the resources that developed countries have to respond sufficiently to the crisis. It is estimated another 100 million people will fall into extreme poverty as a result.
If there’s one thing we know for certain after the Global Financial Crisis, it is that we live in an inter-connected and ‘globalised’ world—what happens on one side affects people on the other. Yet our lives are very different! If we’re born into affluent Australia, it’s not because we chose to be, any more than a person chooses to be born in a poor country. But we do choose how we live our lives, how we respond to our world, and whether or not we open our eyes to the reality of poverty & injustice.
In the last 50 years, only 5 countries out of 170 have reached the goal of ‘development’. We live in an era of unprecedented wealth, yet one-third of the world’s people (2.8 billion) live without independence, security, and the means to a dignified life. Why has progress been so abysmal?
Because poverty is about more than just the absence of income Because poverty is about more than just the absence of income. Poverty is a political issue. Our world has enough wealth and technology to stop this suffering. What it lacks is the will to change the unjust systems and policies that are keeping countries, communities and people poor. Sending aid dollars by itself won’t end global poverty—we need to address the root causes.
“What looks like a drop of good in a bucket of evil will somehow endure to the end, not unremembered by a God who sees all things” It is devastating when we come to understand intimately the pain and suffering of people; and it’s devastating when we come to grips with our world’s indifference to it. But God has given us the opportunity to show His character and His power. The kingdom of God has broken in, through Jesus. Become a JUBILEE CONGREGATION – your church can become part of the Jubilee family and join us in digging to the roots of poverty. Become a JUBILEE PARTNER – just a dollar a day would help us to fund our critical research and lobbying work.
EXCLUSIVE SCREENING, Anti-Poverty Week 2009 “The End of Poverty?” A sort of ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ for global economics, the first film to succinctly explain how our international financial system has created poverty and injustice around the world. Jubilee Australia is partnering with the producers of this film-length documentary to bring you an exclusive Sydney screening. Not released in US Cinemas until November 2009. When: Tuesday 13th October, from 6pm Where: Dendy Cinema, Opera Quays (Circular Quay) More information and tickets visit www.jubileeaustralia.org