European Marine Observation and Data Network Lot No 5 - Biology Introduction to project, past projects, new objectives Simon Claus.


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Presentation transcript:

European Marine Observation and Data Network Lot No 5 - Biology Introduction to project, past projects, new objectives Simon Claus

EMODnet : High Level Aims Change the present fragmented EU repositories of marine data with an interoperable sharing framework Move to a new paradigm where data are collected once and used for many purposes Optimize observation networks by showing how monitoring meets the needs of public and private users

EMODnet : Vision Target for 2020 Seamless multi-resolution digital seabed map of European waters by 2020 Highest resolution possible in areas that have been surveyed; Topography, geology, habitats and ecosystems; Accompanied by timely information on Physical, chemical and biological state of the overlying water column Oceanographic forecasts; Easily accessible, interoperable and free of restrictions on use.

Address whole chain “from observation to information” Need to unlock access to existing data AND fill existing gaps Complementary to other initiatives Organize a common data management approach accepted by all actors to ensure that data are available to all The objective is to assemble existing data from public and private organisations relating to the state of sea basins; processing them into interoperable formats which includes agreed standards, assessments of their accuracy and precision, making them available and creating data products; EMODnet July 20, 2018

EMODnet : How? 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Phase 1 – limited sea basins Phase 2 – low resolution all basins Phase 3 - multi-resolution Central Portal 7+1 thematic portals 6 regional checkpoints Secretariat

Seven lots Lot 1 bathymetry: hydrography– bathymetry (water depth) and topography, underwater features Lot 2 geology: seabed substrata, strata, coastal erosion, geological hazards Lot 3 physical habitats: classification of seabed habitats, based on physical parameters Lot 4 chemistry: concentrations of chemicals (nutrients, contaminants) in water, sediments and biota Lot 5 biology: distribution and abundance of living species Lot 6 physics: temperature, salinity, waves, currents, sea-level, water clarity (light penetration) Lot 7 human activity Member States not involved Portugal, Slovenia, Malta (there is a Portuguese Member in new Expert Group) Non Member States involved Norway, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, USA

Phase I: 2009-2012 Build data system to provide biological data to EMODNET portal and other European initiatives Built on EurOBIS and ERMS, systems developed under Marbef NoE Data (biogeography, biomass, abundance, concentrations, indices) freely available available in OGC compliant system Both observations and ‘aggregated’ Web data and metadata portal ( Inventory existing data and mobilize through grant system Identify usefull data products through organization of data product workshops Partnership: limited number of pan European Data-networks Member States not involved Portugal, Slovenia, Malta (there is a Portuguese Member in new Expert Group) Non Member States involved Norway, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, USA

Phase I: 2009-2012 Data products: Species attributes and traits (functional traits, HAB’s, invasive species, protected or indicator species) Species distribution maps and trends Species sensitivity and vulnerability map Biodiversity indices Member States not involved Portugal, Slovenia, Malta (there is a Portuguese Member in new Expert Group) Non Member States involved Norway, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, USA

Phase II: 2013-2016 Pan European partnership (22 partners) Project structure including WP’s on data access, data rescue data products, portal Member States not involved Portugal, Slovenia, Malta (there is a Portuguese Member in new Expert Group) Non Member States involved Norway, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, USA

Phase II: 2013 – 2016 the data Member States not involved Portugal, Slovenia, Malta (there is a Portuguese Member in new Expert Group) Non Member States involved Norway, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, USA

Phase II: 2013 – 2016 the products Member States not involved Portugal, Slovenia, Malta (there is a Portuguese Member in new Expert Group) Non Member States involved Norway, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, USA

Phase II: 2013 – 2016 the traits Member States not involved Portugal, Slovenia, Malta (there is a Portuguese Member in new Expert Group) Non Member States involved Norway, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, USA

Phase II: 2013 – 2016 the Portal Member States not involved Portugal, Slovenia, Malta (there is a Portuguese Member in new Expert Group) Non Member States involved Norway, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, USA

EMODnet Biology III Official start date: 19 April 2017 Runs for 2 years: 19 April 2019 Possible renewal: 19 April 2019 – 19 April 2021 (After Evaluation) Total budget is 1,770,000 (+1,770,000)€   Done at national, regional and European level, within framework of different projects and initiatives such as MarBEF, Lifewatch and Emodnet. For EMODnet we are now creating value added data products, to facilitate the implementation of the European maritime policy and MSFD, based on integrated data.

Partnership: 22+ 2 Done at national, regional and European level, within framework of different projects and initiatives such as MarBEF, Lifewatch and Emodnet. For EMODnet we are now creating value added data products, to facilitate the implementation of the European maritime policy and MSFD, based on integrated data.

Structure project

EMODnet Biology III WP Covering tasks WP Leader WP1: Project Management Task 7: monitor performance Task 8: help desk VLIZ WP2: Data access to marine biological data Task 1: a common method of access to data held in repositories WP3: Data archaeology and rescue HCMR WP4: Data product creation   Task 2: products constructed from one or more data sources Deltares WP5: Uptake and outreach Task 5: coherence with efforts of regional sea conventions Task 6: interoperability with non EU organizations MBA WP6: Data portal Task 3: machine-to-machine connections Task 4: Web Portal

EMODnet Biology III Tasks Percent of total budget Project management 6,5 % Data access to marine biological data 39,6 % Data archaeology and rescue (including non attributed grants: 5,6%) 13,0 % Data product creation 17,2 % Uptake and outreach 17,8 % Data portal 5,9 % Total 100 %

EMODnet Biology III Deliverable name WP Due to 1 D1.1: Helpdesk operational and contact details published online   WP1 M3 2 D1.2 Quarterly progress reports posted on the project website indicating meetings held, difficulties encountered, and inventories of data made available M3-M24 3 D1.3 First interim report after phase M12 4 D1.4 Final report M24 5 D2.1: Assessment of data and databases, including list of datasets that will be used for creation of products WP2 6 D2.2: Data standardization and formatting of a subset of the data that is needed for the data products 7 D2.3: Data standardization and formatting of all datasets mentioned under data coverage section of proposal for linking with EMODnet biology 8 D3. 1: Scientific document presenting the data archeology and rescue strategy of the project WP3 9 D3.2: Report on the digitization of 3 datasets under the modified procedure M6 10 D3.3: Update of the list of the 76 datasets along with a list of selected datasets for digitization M8 11 D3.4: Policy report on biodiversity data management sent to research organizations M14 12 D3.5: General report on data entry with an individual report for each dataset (D4.5.1, etc.) as available including. list of data papers in preparation, submitted, and published 13 D4.1: Atlas of data products of European Marine Life WP4 M18 14 D4.2: Set of relevant baselayers from EMODnet projects for environmental modelling 15 D4.3: Portfolio of modelling tools and products for European marine species 16 D4.4: Two examples of application of trait based approaches -related Use Cases 17 D5.1 – Workshop to investigate scope of data products and applicability to end users WP5 18 D5.2 – Report and peer-reviewed publication on comparison of data formats, standards and guidelines in the transatlantic area M15 19 D5.3 – Workshop to present EMODnet biology products to end-user 20 D6.1 Portal operational WP6 21 D6.2: Maintenance of Portal

Done at national, regional and European level, within framework of different projects and initiatives such as MarBEF, Lifewatch and Emodnet. For EMODnet we are now creating value added data products, to facilitate the implementation of the European maritime policy and MSFD, based on integrated data.

WP1: Project management Deliverables • D1.1: Helpdesk operational and contact information published online (M3) • D1.2 Quarterly progress reports will be posted on the project website indicating meetings held, difficulties encountered, and inventories of data made available (starting from M3) • D1.3 First interim report after phase 1 (M12) • D1.4 Final report (M24)    Done at national, regional and European level, within framework of different projects and initiatives such as MarBEF, Lifewatch and Emodnet. For EMODnet we are now creating value added data products, to facilitate the implementation of the European maritime policy and MSFD, based on integrated data.

WP1: Project management Meetings • Kick-off meeting at the start of the project • Second general meeting at month 12, to discuss the deliverables, the first interim report, review progress • Third general meeting at month 24, to discuss the deliverables, the final report and the follow up of the project  Done at national, regional and European level, within framework of different projects and initiatives such as MarBEF, Lifewatch and Emodnet. For EMODnet we are now creating value added data products, to facilitate the implementation of the European maritime policy and MSFD, based on integrated data.

WP1: Project management Project leader Overall management project Coordination Board Members of the Coordination Board include the Coordinator and the Work Package leaders. The Work Package leaders will be responsible for the planning and implementation of the integration among Tasks of their WP Project secretariat & help desk Financial management of the project & collect from all partners the financial statements, relevant certificates, reports and deliverables Operate a help desk offering support to users. The help-desk can be contacted by telephone or by email during business hours from Monday to Friday. The EMODnet Biology website will clearly indicate how this help desk can be contacted. A record shall be kept of all contacts and the reaction to them and a summary will be included in all reports. Done at national, regional and European level, within framework of different projects and initiatives such as MarBEF, Lifewatch and Emodnet. For EMODnet we are now creating value added data products, to facilitate the implementation of the European maritime policy and MSFD, based on integrated data.

Draft Consortium agreement, to be signed by all partners WP1: To Do Draft Consortium agreement, to be signed by all partners Contract between VLIZ and subcontractors Two payments: Interim payment: 50% after year 1 Balance: at the end of the project (year 2) Through invoice No extra financial forms? Done at national, regional and European level, within framework of different projects and initiatives such as MarBEF, Lifewatch and Emodnet. For EMODnet we are now creating value added data products, to facilitate the implementation of the European maritime policy and MSFD, based on integrated data.

Agenda Tuesday April 25 20175 General Introduction 9.00 – 9.10 Welcome (Francisco Hernandez, VLIZ) 9.10 – 09.40 Introduction to project, past projects, new objectives (Simon Claus, VLIZ) 9.40 – 10.10 WP2: Data access to marine biological data (Leen Vandepitte, VLIZ) 10.10 – 10.40 WP3: Data archaeology and rescue (Nicolas Bailly, HCMR) 10.40 - 11.00 Coffee break 11.00 – 11.30 WP4: Data Products (Peter Herman, Deltares) 11.30 – 12.00 WP5: Outreach & Uptake (Dan Lear, MBA) 12.00 – 12.30 WP6: Portal and services (Klaas Deneudt, VLIZ) 12.30-13.30 Lunch

Agenda Tuesday April 25 2017 13.30 – 15.30 Breakout groups – Planning work programme 2017-2018 – Discuss deliverables 2017 – Part one WP2 - WP3 - WP4 15.30-16.00 Coffee break Plenary: Presentations new partners – expertise, data and networks 16.00 – 16.10 SYKE, Finland 16.10 – 16.20 University of Sheffield, UK 16.20 – 16.30 IPMA, Portugal 16.30 – 16.40 iOBIS, Int 16.40 – 16.50 NiMRD, Romania 16.50 – 17.00 CEFAS, UK 17.00 – 17.15 IOF, Croatia 17.45 - 22.00 Belgian Beer Reception & Dinner @ Fort Napoleon

Agenda Wednesday April 26 2017 Plenary: impact EMODnet biology 9.00 – 9.20: The EMODnet Network: scope, seabasin checkpoints, new developments (Jan Bart Callewaert, EMODnet Secretariat) 09.20 – 09.40 The European modelled seabed Habitat Map (Helen Lillis, JNCC) 09.40– 10.00 The need for operational biological data products in Ecosystem Understanding (Neil Holdsworth, ICES) 10.00 – 10.20 Using traits data to assess sensitivity of biological communities (Olivier Beauchard, VLIZ) 10.20 – 10.45 General discussion: how to create biological data products with the highest impact 10.45-11.00 Coffee break 11.00 – 13.00 Breakout groups – Planning work programme 2017-2018 – Discuss deliverables 2017 – Part two WP2 - WP4 - WP5

Agenda Wednesday April 26 2017 13.00-14.15 Lunch (+prepare feedback breakout groups) Final session Feedback breakout groups 14.15 – 14.30 WP2 14.30 – 14.45 WP3 14.45 – 15.00 WP4 15.00 – 15.15 WP5 15.30 – 16.00 Wrap up, date next workshops & meeting. 16.00 End Meeting + Drink

Fort Napoleon

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