Introduction to Prayer Chapter 33
Prayer Defined Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God. According to Scripture – it is the heart (the place of decision & truth) that prays We must approach God in prayer with humility - that we are honest about who we are, that we acknowledge our weaknesses and sins as well as our gifts (Luke 18:9-14 - the Pharisee and the tax collector)
Everyone is Called to Prayer Because we are human we desire to be in a relationship with God. The desire for God is built into us; it is a response to God’s invitation. In prayer, God reveals himself to you, and you learn about yourself. Prayer is the central way that God has revealed himself to humankind.
Prayer in the Old Testament Abraham – makes decisions according to God’s will. Moses – example of what the humble heart does in prayer. King David – expresses loving and joyful trust in God. Psalms – prayer of the human heart for all ages (emotions). Prophets – complain, argue but never flee.
The Prayer of Jesus as Model The Gospels tell us that Jesus prayed at decisive moments in his ministry. Jesus prayed the Psalms (Jewish prayers written by King David) Jesus taught that for our hearts to pray in faith, we must undergo conversion - turn away from sin and toward God. Jesus tells us to pray to the Father and trust in Him. Jesus tells us that we may not get everything we ask for but we will get what we need.
The Prayer of Mary Mary showed complete trust in God. Mother of God, Mother of the Church When we pray to Mary (intercede) - acknowledging her special role in God’s plan. We ask her to bring our needs before God Magnificat Mary’s special prayer (p.451)
St. Francis de Sales (1567 – 1622) Bishop of Geneva, Switzerland Doctor of the Church Wrote Introduction to the Devout Life – stressed that everyone is called to live a holy life, not just priests and members of religious life Emphasized prayer and the spiritual life to the laity