REVOLUTION STAGE 1: THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 1789-1792 Constitutional Monarchy
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Inspired by Declaration of Independence “natural rights of man…liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression” Government jobs based on talent alone All social groups must pay taxes Freedom of speech and the press
RIGHTS OF WOMEN Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Did not include women Olympe de Gouges protested, writing the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen
THE KING’S RESPONSE At first, remained safely at Versailles Refused to recognize National Assembly Crowd of angry, starving, well-armed women marched 15 miles to Versailles Brought the royal family back by force Royal family forced to remain in Paris Dangerous circumstances forced Louis to cooperate with the National Assembly
CONSTITUTION OF 1791 Limited Monarchy replaces Absolutism Legislative Assembly of 745 elected members replaces National Assembly “Active” Citizens 25+ years old & pay a high amount in taxes Could vote for Legislative Assembly deputies “Passive” Citizens No voting rights, but same legal rights
THE KING’S RESPONSE Louis seemed to cooperate at first People felt he would aid the Revolution However, the royal family disguised themselves & tried to sneak out of France They were caught & returned to Paris People knew he opposed the Revolution He and the royal family were imprisoned
WAR WITH AUSTRIA New threat of invasion by Austria/Prussia (French Queen Marie Antoinette was a member of the Austrian royal family) Legislative Assembly decides to strike first France invades Austria, losing badly
THE PARIS COMMUNE Legislative Assembly still hadn’t met demands of peasants for food Peasants angry that money is spent on war instead of their needs Radicals declare themselves a commune – popularly run city council – in Paris Organize mob attacks on royal palaces and on the Legislative Assembly
SANS-CULOTTES Paris Commune called “Sans-Culottes” Rich nobles wore knee-length pants (culottes) Commoners wore shoe-length pants “Sans-Culottes” shows pride in common-ness by emphasizing their lack of fine clothing
RADICAL REVOLUTION Rise of radical Commoners means both royalists and moderates are in trouble Louis & Legislative Assembly look to each other as their hope for survival Both succumbed to the rising tide of outraged anti-monarchy radicals
THE NATIONAL CONVENTION 1792 – new National Convention meets Replaces Legislative Assembly Writes new constitution Ends monarchy & establishes Republic Condemned & executed Louis XVI Condemned & executed Marie Antoinette Tortured Louis XVII in prison (he died)
LOUIS XVII Never actually ruled Called “Louis XVII” because he likely would’ve taken this name, if crowned Tortured in prison Died in prison of horrible diseases His heart was preserved & displayed
THE NATIONAL CONVENTION Disagreements slowed progress Paris Commune demanded price controls and universal male suffrage (voting rights) Peasants in countryside refused to obey it After Louis XVI’s execution, Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain & the Dutch formed a coalition to invade France
COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY National Convention too big to be efficient Gave powers to Maximilien Robespierre & a small Committee of Public Safety Robespierre dreamed of creating a “Republic of Virtue” Others called it a “Reign of Terror”
REVOLUTIONARY ARMY Army of volunteers & draftees to meet the multi-national invasion against France Very successful – huge army of patriotic commoners, not rich guys “playing” war
REPUBLIC OF VIRTUE No high titles – “citizen” & “citizeness” Mandatory elementary education Abolished slavery in French colonies Attempted to control prices on food Anti-Christian – churches/streets renamed New calendar with 10-day weeks Women still excluded from legal rights
REIGN OF TERROR Revolutionary courts throughout France Guilty until proven innocent 40,000 people executed in 3 years 15% = Clergy & Nobility 85% = Commoners Execution most often by guillotine Occasional grapeshot, sinking barges, etc.
GUILLOTINE Method of execution during the Revolution Faster, more efficient, and more humane than previous methods Used to execute Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Olympe de Gouges, and thousands more
MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE “The Incorruptible” CPS gave him power to arrest & execute people without a trial Nervous that they might be next, the National Convention voted to condemn to the guillotine Reign of Terror ends
QUESTIONS? ~ The End ~