VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies Unit 4 – Methods used to influence decisions over the use of natural environments
Methods used to influence decisions Introduction When a conflict occurs over use of a natural environment, it is the responsibility of governments to make decisions and create laws regarding the use of the natural environment The government could be federal (Australia), State (Victoria) or Local (Mornington Peninsula Shire) depending on the environment in conflict Members of governments are elected to represent the community, so community members can apply pressure to influence their decisions Interest groups and individuals adopt a range of methods to influence the decision making process
4.2.2 – Methods used to influence decisions Work Summarise 2 conflicts of interest: Case Study ‘The Franklin River Case study Cattle crazing in The Alpine National Park Know table ‘Methods for influencing decision-making processes’
4.2.2 – Methods used to influence decisions Strategy Explanation Advantages Disadvantages Lobbying Direct contact with those making decisions or their representatives Conducted directly by individual/interest group Ensures decision makers have clear understanding of your position Can be difficult to access decision makers Time consuming Letters and Petitions Letters sent to newspapers or decision makers Petitions signed by many and sent to decision makers Hand written letters show high level of commitment Letters to newspapers often published and inform the public/generate support Good way to get media attention on small issues in community newspapers Petitions easy to conduct and gain a lot of support Pre-pared letters and petitions have little impact as they require minimal effort from those involved People sign petitions with little knowledge about issue so petition has little impact unless numbers are high
4.2.2 – Methods used to influence decisions Strategy Explanation Advantages Disadvantages Use of Media Using media to promote position through interviews, newspapers, on the news or advertising Get clear message and information to a large number of people Interviews hard to organise Advertising is very expensive Telephone Calls To politicians or companies A more personal impact Many calls can disrupt a company can encourage a compromise if profits are affected Time consuming Requires large number of people to make an impact Forming Partnership Partnerships between groups aiming to achieve a similar outcome on the issue Greater number of people supporting a position Greater resources pooled to influence decision Gives arguments/positions increased public credibility when there is diversity of groups involved Different groups may need to compromise on some issues or strategies Wide number of groups with different agendas may become different to coordinate
4.2.2 – Methods used to influence decisions Strategy Explanation Advantages Disadvantages Gathering own evidence / Presenting reports Scientific or social reports gathered to provide evidence for an interest group’s position Provides credibility to group’s position Arguments for position can be clearly understood Time consuming and expensive Opposing groups/companies may gather opposing evidence negating your work Use of prominent people Groups seek support from well known people in the community Media attention raises profile of group’s position May be argued that prominent person has little understanding of the issue Meetings and Information Evenings Take issue to community to engage individuals and gather support Members of wider community are able to ask questions and become better informed Shows level of support on the issue Time consuming to organise Often poorly attended
Use of Prominent People We talk to people!! A lot of people. And this year we’ll be taking a very simple message to the people of Victoria....