Work package 7 MAMA-AWARE MAMA Final Meeting Tunis 7-8 March 2005
WP 7 . MAMA-AWARE Calendar of National Awareness Meetings 12/2002-03/2005 December 2002: Greece (3rd – 6th) March 2003: Yugoslavia May 2003: France (21st) June 2003: Italy (3rd), Turkey (13th) September 2003: Israel (10th) October 2003: Bosnia & Herzegovina (13th), Egypt (20-21st) December 2003: Egypt (12th-13th) January 2004: Malta (27th-30th), Slovenia (23rd) March 2004: Spain (9th) April 2004: Croatia (29th) May 2004: Cyprus, Lebanon (18th), Syria November 2004: Libya June 2004: Albania (28th) January: Tunisia (26th) February 2005: Palestine March 2005: Morocco, Algeria last updated March 2005)
Successful MAMA National Awareness Meetings: Weight given to discussion on how ocean and coastal observing and forecasting systems address country-specific needs
Addressing country specific needs in MAMA National Awareness Meetings: Egypt: shore protection , fisheries management, offshore industry , recreation and safety at sea Bosnia & Herzegovina: national tourism and leisure activities Slovenia: high quality data on the marine environment for environmental studies of national coastal development projects Croatia: environmental protection of the Adriatic re. maritime transport (oil spills, untreated ballast water) Malta: water based tourism and marine leisure activities, fisheries observation,coastal development, dredging and coastal erosion Israel: operation and development of Haifa Carmel port, safe mariculture development
CROATIA NAM ARTICLES IN THE PRESS Slobodna Dalmacija, 29.04.2004 Slobodna Dalmacija, 30.04.2004