Union Grove High School ANNOUNCEMENTS December 6, 2013
Fri Dec 6th @ Northgate 6/7:30 Varsity Basketball Fri Dec 6th @ Northgate 6/7:30
ALL LIBRARY BOOKS must be returned by MONDAY Dec. 16th
Varsity Fri 6th @ SW Dekalb 5pm Sat 7th @ Meadowcreek 9am
JV Wrestling Fri Dec 6th @ SW Dekalb 5pm Sat Dec 7th @ Meadowcreek 9am
Attention Football Players If you finished the 9th, JV or Varsity season with the team, you are invited to the AWARDS CEREMONY Sunday Dec 8 @ 4pm in the commons area
Dr ama C l ub Tuesday Dec. 10 3:30 - 5:00 *Bring a bag of wrapped candy & sign up outside the Drama Room
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . There will be an informational TENNIS meeting on Wednesday Dec. 11 @ 3:35 in Trailer #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Please turn–in your Exam check-out form to your 1st period teacher by Dec 11th
This is a competition between us & Ola High Blood Drive FRIDAY 13th This is a competition between us & Ola High *Donors will receive a free t-shirt! *Sign ups will be next week during all lunches *Donors must age16 and up with parent signature
Mr. Smith’s Famous Smoked Boston Butts Union Grove High School Grove PRIDE Fundraiser $30.00 each ( 2 or more are $25.00 each) Place your order before December 13th Pick up on December 20st Get an order form in the front office
“wisechoice scholarship” Scholarship: Sussle Scholarship Website: http://sussle.org/scholarship Deadline: December 31st Value: $5,000 This is not your usual scholarship. There is no application or essay, and it's actually fun. By participating, you will be posting your knowledge for the benefit of others, and in return, the best contributor will win! 2013
“JFK Profile in Courage Essay ” Deadline: January 6, 2014 Amount: $500-$10,000 Website:www.jfklibrary.org/Education/Profile -in-Courage-Essay-Contest.aspx Description: 9-12grades •Essays must describe an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official that occurred during or after 1956, See website for more details.
BURGER KING SCHOLARS PROGRAM Deadline: January 10, 2014 Website: www.bkmclamorefoundation.org/Home Eligibility: Seniors cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher, see website for additional details.
GATES MILLENNIUM SCHOLARSHIP Deadline: January 15th 2014 Amount: Full Scholarship Website: www.gmsp.org Description: Minority student that must meet Federal Pell Grant criteria, minimum 3.3 GPA. 2013
Prom will be held on April 26,2014 @ Prom tickets are now on sale! Tickets may be purchased from Ms. Merlino in room 333 or from Ms. VonLanken in the front office. Ticket prices: Dec-Jan $70.00 Feb-Mar $80.00
NOTICE As of January 7, 2014, the attendance office will NO longer be able to accept emails for checkins, checkouts or absences. We will only accept faxes with a copy of the GUARDIAN'S ID @ 678-583-8608
AND lose your parking permit You are tardy @ 8:17am & will get detention AND lose your parking permit
LUNCH Pizza Chicken sandwich Chicken Strips w/garlic toast FRIDAY Dec 6 LUNCH Pizza Chicken sandwich Chicken Strips w/garlic toast Garden salad w/turkey & cheese Corn, broccoli & cauli, orange FRI Nov 16