The Vanilla Banana Cake Origin of food by Hinerava Tai
Ingredients: The brown sugar two hundred grams The six hammer rio two hundred grams Hundred grams of butter Two hundred grams of flour with yeast Four eggs Vanilla bean
With the Gencode, we can see where these products are coming from The brown sugar Butter Hammer rio Eggs Vanilla Flour With the Gencode, we can see where these products are coming from
Origin of Food 15700 km Brown Sugar: Fom France = 15700km Hammer rio: From Tahiti = 0 km Butter: From France = 15700km Eggs: From France = 15700km Vanilla: From France = 15700km Flour: From Tahaa = 220km 420 km The importations cause carbon emissions .It means pollution for our planet and global warming!!!
We have to change our habits Think Global , Eat Local We have to change our habits