Homework Assignments: By now your child should be able to: Look What We’re Learning in Kindergarten Homework for the week of October 10-14, 2016 Homework Assignments: Monday: Today we worked with the letter t. Draw and label 3 things that begin with t! Practice reading your focus poem! Tuesday: Write your numbers 0-20 on a piece of paper. Be sure to write neatly! Wednesday: Please look through your child’s Signed Paper Folder. We will send home work they have done and also important papers for you to read/fill out. Practice reading the focus poem! Thursday: This week we learned that Christopher Columbus was a famous explorer from long ago. Things were different long ago than they are today. Draw a picture to show how things have changed from long ago. How did he travel? What did his clothes look like? Use your imagination! Skills for the week: Reading: identifying Tt and producing the sound /t/ as in tiger Word Wall Words: it, in, we Math: numbers 11-20 and greater than, less than, and equal to Science/Social Studies: 5 Senses and Explorers Character Education Word: School Pride Big Book: Golden Bear Focus Poem: “Christopher Columbus” By now your child should be able to: -identify letters Aa-Zz and prodoce sounds for Mm and Ss. -identify numbers 0-20. -write numbers 0-10. -count to 100 by ones. -identify and produce rhyming words. -Read words: black, blue. brown, green, I, like, orange, pink, red, white, yellow, the, one, two, three, four, five, six, zero, and, see Focus Poem: Christopher Columbus Columbus sailed on three ships, Three ships, three ships, Over the ocean blue. The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria, The Santa Maria, Over the ocean blue! Dates to Remember: -October 19st: Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch ; Oct 26 Half Day Dismissal