Monday, sept. 18 Vocab – due tomorrow
Today you will need your writer’s notebook and your chromebook Vocab Sheets due tomorrow
Everyone has several poems of their own right now and several that we’ve read as a class. We’ve seen that poets are masters at using something called sensory detail. These details add depth and precision to writing. Remember, poetry is all about saying the most you can in a condensed format so you need to choose words that convey an abundance of ideas.
Sensory details are ideas that appeal to any of our five senses: Sight Smell Touch Taste Sound
Details: The more specific the details, the better. Compare: I come from the country To I come from open fields, green and wide I come from an old farm house and a big, red run-down barn, from over-cooked hamburgers on the grill to sweet sun tea in a jelly jar.
Details: Or…. Compare: I come from a big family To I come from five girls and one boy I come four bossy sisters and a brother who had it made, never having to wash dishes, laundry or floors.
When we add sensory detail to our writing, it is called imagery When we add sensory detail to our writing, it is called imagery. That sounds like it deals only with details that we could imagine seeing, but the term includes details that help us use any of our senses to experience. Today I want to think about how we could experiment with imagery in one of our poems. Imagery
When we put adjectives and nouns together, that creates an adjectival phrase: Matted fur or chocolate-colored pit bull When we put adverbs and verbs together, that creates an adverbial phrase: Growls menacingly or barks ferociously
Let’s look at what other poets have done With your 4 o’clock partner, Tiger Tales – Find a poem and pick out some descriptive language. Write it down. Then, discuss what you think the meaning of the poem is.
A logical place to start is by adding details to our nouns and verbs to describe what it feels like in that place, in that situation, at that time. Go back through your poem drafting from Thursday and Friday and add detail – add adjectives and adverbs, think sensory detail and imagery
Now, start your ‘where I’m from’ poem Add detail – adjectives and adverbs Share with a partner