3 Emotional Needs Love and to be Loved: Cared for, special to people in spite of shortcomings or habits. Need to Belong: to be a member or part of a particular group, organization, or class. Need to feel worthwhile: Making a difference or a contribution to something.
What Makes You, You Personality: a unique combination of things that make you different then everyone else. Self-Concept: the internal picture you have of yourself based on your own beliefs AND the responses of others. Self-Esteem: Confidence in one’s own worth or abilities. Self Awareness: having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, habits, beliefs, and emotions
Feeling Good Dice Game 1 = What are 2 nice things your friends would say about you? 2 = Name one good thing that has happened to you this week. 3 = Talk about 2 things you are good at. 4 = Name 1 complement you have received that made you feel happy 5 = Talk about 2 positive qualities you have. 6 = What are the flaws you think you have?
Importance of Self-esteem Self-esteem affects our trust in others, our relationships, our work – nearly every part of our lives. UC Davis Medical Center When you value yourself, you feel secure and worthwhile. Healthy self awareness leads to a generally positive relationship with other people.
What specific things can affect our self-esteem?
Signs of Poor Self-esteem Pick 3 Consistent anxiety Frequently focusing on the negative. Do not accept complements Constant need for attention and the “spot light” Negative self talk
Consequences of Poor Self-esteem Antisocial behavior Major depression Eating Disorders Drug use Self Harm Low Academic Performance
How can our Self-esteem improve?
Enhancing Self-Esteem (Pick 4) Spend time with caring friends Avoid people who put you down or treat you badly Eat Healthy and Exercise Improve a talent. Positive affirmations about self and others Be true to yourself Set goals
Signs of Good Mental/Emotional Health You face life’s challenges with optimism You can motivate yourself to achieve goals You express your feelings You cope with feelings in a healthy way. Focus on your strengths Resilience
Most people live their life within the opinion of others. You don’t have to become your negative beliefs.