It’s easier than it looks…I promise College Planning It’s easier than it looks…I promise
Who is this lady?? Allison Eastridge Niswonger College & Career Advisor Available in the Counseling Office on Mon. & Fri. I am here to help with whatever you need!
What is college? Technical college (TCAT) Community college (Northeast State) Public universities (ETSU) Private universities (Milligan)
Why is having a college degree or some kind of trade certification important? Let’s look at some figures…
MINIMUM WAGE 40 hours a week x $7.25 = $290 a week x 4 weeks = $1,160 a month $1,160 a month x 12 months = $13,920 a year
Bills, bills, and more bills Rent $500 Food $300 Electricity bill $75 Water bill $30 Cable/Internet bill $75 Cell phone bill $50 Gas $100 Car insurance $ 85 Clothing $40 Total = $1, 255
How does that add up? Minimum Wage (Per Year) = $13,920 Estimate of Bills (Per Year) = $15,060 What are you left with? -$1,140 …but wait, there’s more…
What’s missing from this list? Going out with friends Date night Concert tickets Gifts for friends and family Paying for a parking or speeding ticket Unexpected car trouble New uniform for work Vacations or travel Sports games Tithing
What are you willing to give up to make ends meet ?
Can you live without wifi? Not only can you not save for your dream car, but you also have to give up other things: Cell phone data plans New clothes Cable Internet Better food What are you willing to give up?
SO Why SHOULD I go to college?
Organization is key Get a folder…a box….a corner in your room…anything to keep your stuff together Get an email address, remember the password, and use it for everything Check the mail and your email regularly
School is not over yet Keep improving your GPA or take dual enrollment Keep studying for and taking your ACT Start joining clubs Start doing community service
Make yourself a resume Use online samples and templates – OR ASK ME! Put past and present information If you don’t have a job, use volunteer work Come to me if you need help
Comparing colleges Location Size Major Cost Religious Public or private
College visits Start early The more you go, the more you know Use your summer wisely Go with friends and make it fun
Get to know admissions staff Call if you have any questions, they are there to help you! Let them know special circumstances and they will work with you
College applications The Common Application Institutional applications Typical application components What the student submits
The common application One application students send to multiple colleges 500+ colleges across the country use the Common Application General questions and specific questions for each college Essay portion
Institutional applications Found on college websites Can be submitted online or downloaded and printed Fees and Fee waivers Dual enrollment students
What‘s inside? Personal Demographics (SSN, parent/sibling information, etc.) Academic profile (courses taken, high school information, GPA, etc.) Major/Minor Future career Standardized Test Scores (ACT, SAT, & COMPASS) Extracurricular Activities Essay
Types of deadlines Early admission Regular decision Rolling admission
What you submit The application Essay or personal statement Resume Test scores Application fee
Transcripts After you apply, come to the guidance office and pick up a transcript request form from Ms. Luttrell Fill out your name, school you are applying to, and “please mail my transcript” Give the guidance office time!
recommendations Get started early Try to get at least two teachers Make sure to be thankful, it goes a long way
Scholarships TN Promise Hope Scholarship Private scholarships Institutional scholarships Athletic scholarships
Timeline Upcoming ACT Dates: April 19, & June 11 Visit colleges: Spring & Summer 2016 College Essay: Spring & Summer 2016 Applications: Fall 2016 Retake ACT: September - March Begin completing FAFSA: October-February
Take ownership Follow timelines Get organized Meet deadlines Follow-up with your colleges Communicate with parents Don’t be afraid to ask questions
5 things you need to know about college You can get in…really! You are more than your test scores You are in charge You are unique You are not in this alone
It can be overwhelming BUT THAT’S WHY I’M HERE TO HELP YOU! I am at Sullivan Central every Monday and Friday! ALLISON EASTRIDGE Email: