We are Warriors! Our whole-school theme for 2017-18
Mission Statement At Guestling Bradshaw Church of England Primary School we believe that Christian Values and understanding are an important part of creating an environment in which each child feels a sense of belonging and security. We want our school to be a place where every child and colleague feels valued and respected. Where high quality teaching, learning and achievement are in evidence and celebrated. The school aims to ensure that all children are well -prepared for their future education and eventually their place in society. We believe that our aims are best achieved through a sense of common purpose among children, parents/ carers, teaching staff, governors and the wider community of the school.
Ethos and Vision ETHOS “Where learning is a journey, not a race.” We LOVE, making Guestling an inclusive school where all are valued. We PRAY, developing our spiritual awareness, nurturing Christian Values that lead to respect for others and for God. We LEARN, furthering our knowledge and understanding of the world around us, equipping us with the concepts, skills and attitudes that will enable us to achieve our own full potential. We PLAY, fostering our self-confidence and enhancing our communication and social skills.
What does a warrior look like?
What does a warrior look like? Warriors train hard Warriors are resilient Eco-warriors look after our world www.warriors – wisdom, willingness and wonder
Success Criteria
Guestling rules! We are Warriors! 1) Be kind and gentle 2) Be honest 3) Listen carefully 4) Work hard and be positive 5) Respect each other, the school and property 6) Come to school on time 7) Wear smart school uniform 8) Bring the equipment I need 9) Appreciate opportunities I am given We are Warriors!
School Development Priorities All pupils will be challenged and move on to more difficult work as appropriate, especially in Maths Review and improve spelling strategies Deepen writing experiences in RE Broaden the curriculum with effective outdoor learning experiences Pupils rarely miss a day at school We are Warriors!