The Oak Brushland
Plants of the Oak Shrubland Liveoaks Quercus virginiana- true liveoak Quercus douglasii- blue oak Quercus turbinella-shrub liveoak Deciduous oaks Quercus stellata-post oak Quercus harvardii-shinnery oak Quercus marilandica-blackjack oak
Sand bluestem, high plain NM, with shinnery oak. Chavez Co.
Edwards Plateau, Sonora TX
Goats Edwards Plateau, Sonora TX
1985, overgrazed site, Sonora TX
Edwards plateau, TX
Whitetailed deer
Wild turkey
Management of the Oak Shrubland 1. Graze conservatively or moderately 2. Common use grazing works well on oak rangelands 3. Goats are well suited for use of oak rangelands 4. Periodic burning important to maintain productivity and nutritive value of oak rangelands; shinnery oak rangelands are an exception (sandy soils) 5. Timing of grazing important to avoid oak poisoning (tannic acid) of cattle 6. Wildlife and fee hunting are very important on most oak rangelands; their needs should be carefully considered in management