Aim: Identify the Effects of Germanic Invasions
Invasions of Western Europe Gradual decline of the Roman Empire ushered an era in European History called the Middle Ages or Medieval Period (500-1500) 5th Century- Germanic invaders overran western half of Roman Empire Repeated invasions altered economy, government & culture Effects of Invasions Disruption of Trade Cities abandoned Population shifts to rural areas Decline of learning Loss of common language- Different dialects develop 2
Germanic Kingdoms Emerge 400-600- Small Germanic Kingdoms replace Roman provinces Church provided order and security Concept of government changed Germanic peoples lived in small communities that were governed by unwritten rules and traditions Germanic Chiefs led band of warriors ho pledged loyalty The Franks hold power Came from Gaul (France & Switzerland) Leader was Clovis Brought Christianity to area Church welcomed Clovis’s conversion 511- Clovis united the Franks into one kingdom 3
Germans Adopt Christianity Politics played key role in spread of Christianity 600- Church converted Franks Missionaries spread Christianity Church built religions communities called Monasteries Christian men (Monks) devoted life to serve God Became best educated communities (Schools) 590- Gregory I- Became Pope Papacy became secular (Worldly power) Pope’s palace center of Roman government Region from Italy to England fell under his responsibility Idea of Churchly kingdom central them of Middle Ages 4