Carbon footprint/Eco Warriors Science and Technology: What are food webs ? How is balance important in an ecosystem ? How do animal diets vary ? What is digestion and how does it work ? Food : What is seasonality ? How is colour important in food ? Where are foods grown, caught, reared and processed ? What is a healthy, varied diet ? How would we prepare foods ? How are different foods cooked ? SMSC: What can we find out about ourselves as learners ? How do we learn ? Does everyone learn in the same way ? How can we develop our self-motivation ? Place and Time : Eco-footprint, carbon footprint. Measuring Human impact on the planet. Electronic waste : the WEEE Man – art to communicate issues. E-Waste – how much does a family generate and what is the impact ? Problems and solutions. How can we change ? Language, Literacy and Oracy ( Inc Spanish): Stories of long-established children’s authors : Eric Carle. Can we identify his audience and purpose ? Can we write for a similar audience ? Can we adapt a story to deliver an environmental message ? Can we use the rules of writing direct speech ? Persuasive writing – letters. Can we write a persuasive letter on an environmental theme ? Spanish : Animals and food. How do we quantify and describe nouns ? How do we introduce ourselves to someone ? What questions could we ask them ? How would we answer similar questions ? Carbon footprint/Eco Warriors Year 4 Spring Term Two Mathematics : Division : can we use mental and written methods to solve problems ? Fractions : can we solve problems using more complex fractions to calculate and divide quantities ? Can we round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 ? Can we round decimal numbers ? Can we calculate area and perimeter ? Can we convert between measures : kg/g, km/m, l/ml, hours/mins, mins/seconds, £/p. Can we interpret and construct bar and line graphs ? What is mean by discrete and continuous data? Physical and Emotional Health : Dance (Wednesdays) : Illustrating music through dance – Hall of the Mountain King for Midsummer Night’s Dream; music & dance linked to environmental topic. Swimming (Tuesdays). Arts and Creativity : Faith and Belief : How do Christians use the Bible in different contexts ? How do Christians celebrate significant life events ? How do these compare with other cultures ? Can we write songs with an environmental message ? Can we perform in a variety of ways using different art-forms ? Can Art have a purpose ? Can it carry messages ?