Research paper publication 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
How to fulfill your desire? The Desire All of you are desirous of publishing research papers. How to fulfill your desire? 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
How to achieve that excitement? The Excitement A journal carrying your paper With your name is an Exciting experience How to achieve that excitement? 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
A research paper? What image comes into mind as you hear these words It is not an essay It is more than a collection of different pieces of information about a topic It is more than a review of the literature in a field 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
What is a research paper? A research paper analyzes a perspective or argues a point. A substantial piece of academic writing in which the author does independent research into a topic and writes a description of the findings of that research. The outcome of a mini research project 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Dual dimensions of a research paper Dynamic The process leading to the research paper Static The structure of the Research paper 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The static or structural aspect A research paper should have specific subsections Each subsection has specific objectives and contents 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Theoretical framework The subsections (Conventional style) Introduction Literature review Objectives, Scope and Methodology Theoretical framework Analysis of Data Summary of Findings Conclusion References 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
NEW (The subsections) Title Abstract Key words Introduction (including literature review) Conceptual framework (including hypotheses) Method (sample, materials and procedures) Result Discussion References 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The title Should be brief and descriptive of your research clearly indicate what the study is about try to specify the cause and effect relationship in your key point Avoid wasteful phrases such as "A study of ..." "An investigation into ...” 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The Abstract describe the most important aspects of the study within the word-limit provided by the journal try to include a statement of the problem, the people you studied, the dependent and independent variables, the instruments, the design, major findings, and conclusions 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The key words List the important technical words used in the study 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The Introduction A paragraph or two presenting the investigated problem, the importance of the study, etc Followed by a review of the literature, presenting and evaluating what is already known about your research problem No need to provide an exhaustive historical review The reader should understand why the problem was researched and why the study represents a contribution to existing knowledge 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Method includes separate descriptions of the sample, the materials, and the procedures. Sample: a description of the population, the sample and the method of sample selection Materials: a description of your instruments, including all surveys, tests, questionnaires, interview forms, and other tools used to provide data Procedures: a description of the data anlaysis tools and procedures, the hypothesis testing procedures, etc 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The Result Describe the techniques used, each analysis and the results of each analysis Use carefully planned tables and graphs which are self explanatory 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The Discussion Discuss and interpret your data for the reader Tell the reader of the implications of your findings Relate your findings to those of previous studies, by explaining relationships and supporting or disagreeing with what others have found. Draw your conclusions. Your conclusions should be warranted by your study and your data. Make recommendations State the limitations of the study Suggest what problems should be researched next in order to extend your findings into new areas. 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The References Alphabetical listing of books and articles cited in the literature survey and elsewhere in the paper There should be a one-to-one match between the references cited in the report and the references listed in the reference section. 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Reference format APA format is widely used Based on Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (2001) 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Books Single author Leshin, C.B. (1997). Management on the world wide web. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. More than one book same year Roy, A. (1998a). Chaos theory. New York: McMillan Publishing Enterprises. Roy, A. (1998b). Classic Chaos. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bamar. Multiple authors Cornett, M., Wiley, B.J., & Sankar, S. (1998). The pleasures of nurturing. London: McMunster Publishing. 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Edited works Book Pennathur, A., Leong, F.T., & Schuster, K. (Eds). (1998). Style and substance of thinking. New York: Publishers Paradise. Chapter in edited book Riley, T., & Brecht, M.L. (1998). The success of the mentoring process. In R. Williams (Ed.), Mentoring and career success, pp. 129-150. New York: Wilson Press. 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Journal article Jeanquart, S., & Peluchette, J. (1997). Diversity in the workforce and management models. Journal of Social Work Studies, 43 (3), 72-85. 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Conference proceedings Yeshwant, M. (1998). Revised thinking on Indian philosophy and religion. In S. Pennathur (Ed.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Religion, (pp. 100-107). Bihar, India: Bihar University. 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Electronic source Walson, I. (1998). Technology and immediacy of information [On-line] Available 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Bibliography Listing of books and articles relevant to the research topic in alphabetical order 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The Reference in proper format Vaizey, J. (1967). Education in the modern world. New York: McGraw-Hill. Arzac, E. (2005). Valuations for mergers, buyouts and restructuring. New York: Wiley. Campbell, J.Y. & Ammer, J. (1993). What moves the stock and bond markets? A variance decomposition for long term asset returns. Journal of Finance, 48(1), 46-55. Mishra, S. (2004). Designing online learning [On-line] Available 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The Reference (Contd.) Frazer, M. (1992). Quality assurance practices in higher education. In A. Craft (Ed.) Quality assurance in higher education, pp. 72-91. London: Falmer Press. Fisher, L. & Lorie, J.H. (1977). A half century of returns on stocks and bonds. Chicago: University of Chicago Graduate school of Business. Grinold, R.C. & Kahn, R.N. (2000). Active portfolio management (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Black, F. (1972). Capital market equilibrium with restricted borrowing. Journal of Business, 45(3), 134-158. 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The Dynamic aspect A research paper is the outcome of a mini research project The execution of the mini research project is the dynamic aspect It is a process involving several steps 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
The steps in the process Identification of theme Relating it to relevant theory and also earlier studies Formulation of research design Collection of data Analysis of data (using appropriate statistical tools) Writing the research report Submission for publication 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Online open access journals Directory of open access journals Website of an open access journal 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Data sources (Link: Database) (Statistics) (Data & Statistics) (Data & Statistics) (Left panel – CSO) 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
Data sources (global) (Data and Statistics) (Data) (Economics & Statistics) 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI
FOCUS OF WORKSHOP To understand the research process. To discuss different component of papers in details. How to analyze data using statistical techniques , softwares specially SPSS. 7/20/2018 BY DR. MADHUKAR DALVI