Malcolm Wright Chief Executive, NHS Grampian
What leaders do Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2013) 1. Person-centredness Be consistently person-centred in word and deed 2. Front Line Engagement Be a regular authentic presence at the front line and a visible champion of improvement 3. Relentless Focus Remain focused on the vision and strategy 4. Transparency Require transparency about results, progress, aims and defects 5. Boundarilessness Encourage and practice systems thinking and collaboration across boundaries Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2013) High-Impact Leadership : Improve Care, Improve the Health of Populations, and Reduce Costs. IHI White Paper (available at
How leaders think Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2013) 1. Individuals and families are partners in their care 2. Compete on value, with continuous reduction in operating cost 3. Reorganise services to align with new payment systems 4. Everyone is an improver Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2013) High-Impact Leadership : Improve Care, Improve the Health of Populations, and Reduce Costs. IHI White Paper (available at
Unprecedented challenges Unprecedented ambiguity Unprecedented opportunity for transformational leadership
More nuanced emergent solutions
Less top down binary answers to complex adaptive wicked problems
More clinical and patient engagement thinking through consequences and impact of changes use of data, evidence, outcomes More
How can we work together in a way which enables change to sustain locally resilient services as part of wider networks?