CALL Practice and Theory for 21st Century TESOL Presented by James Perren, Ed.D., Seth Cervantes, M.A., and Soo Min Lee, M.Ed. Alliant International University 2017 Annual CATESOL Conference October 21, 2017
Applications of CALL Theory in ESL and EFL Environments Guide theoretical foundations and practical steps. Provide an update on rapidly evolving TESOL teacher education issues. Blended learning and training for teaching in online delivery increasing. Balance of empirical research with various CALL topics in TESOL.
Establishing a Praxis Between SLA Theory and CALL-Based Practices Seth Cervantes Soo Min Lee Alliant International University
Introduction Researchers have linked sociocultural and constructivist theories to CALL (Dalgarno, 2001; Levy & Stockwell, 2006; Youngs, Ducate, & Arnold, 2011; Warschauer, 2000). Noting that digital technologies have the potential to create communities of practices in the digital realm while strengthening existing ones (Abrams, 2011).
Background From a theoretical perspective, theories of learning and language color and shape the use of technology in the language classroom. This chapter explores how sociocultural theory informs CALL practices. The authors identify with Vygotsky’s (1997) view that theory and practice share an interdependent relation in which each acts as a guide for the other (Lantolf & Poehner, 2014). CALL applications: writing (wikis), interaction (online gaming), and evaluation/feedback (online record keeping).
SLA Theory and CALL Constructivism: In collaborative tasks using technology, learners play a central role, and are actively constructing the knowledge they need to achieve tasks. CALL and Interactionist Perspectives of SLA: A psycholinguistic approach, interaction can involve everyday social actions, and the learner is involved in constructing meaning by performing social functions. Interaction between the learner and the computer vs. human interaction.
Sociocultural Theory and ZPD Sociocultural Theory: Knowledge is socially constructed in interaction, and it enables collaborative learning environments possible. Teachers’ role in the application of sociocultural theory: Instruction is a collaborative activity in which zones of proximal development (ZPD) are co-constructed by teachers and ELLs. Teachers scaffold learning until the learners can be independent. Vygotsky’s work in relation to CALL supports cooperative and collaborative learning and learning in social groups and communities of practice. Computers and teachers are mediators in student learning (Levy & Stockwell, 2006).
CALL Application: Linking Practice with Theory CALL applications in this chapter demonstrate how interactionist and sociocultural SLA theories inform their implementation to promote language teaching and learning. The TESOL Technology Standards (Healey et al., 2011) were used as a guide to direct and evaluate the design and implementation of the three CALL applications described below. The three CALL technology applications are wikis, role-playing games, and online record keeping.
Using a Wiki as a Collaborative Writing Tool Wikis and Wiki Technology: Wikis provide context for meaningful exchange of ideas and meaning negotiation to accomplish a common goal. Collaborative Writing with Wikis: Collaboration is learners taking responsibility for a whole text. Cooperation is dividing the work and focus on own contributions. Wiki-Based Collaborative Writing Outcomes: Equal access to wiki projects results in positive learning experiences and quality final drafts. Pedagogical Implications: Wikis have potential that could make L2 learning and writing more efficient and effective. But need to be further researched and documented.
Online Record Keeping 1 The importance of record keeping has even been recognized by the TESOL Technology Standards (TTS)—Teacher Standards, Goal 3, “Language teachers apply technology in record keeping, feedback, and assessment” (Healey et al., 2011). In the age of Web 2.0, a variety of applications are available to assist teachers in keeping accurate assessment records. One option is the Gradebook, which is available on Moodle 3.1, a free and open-source learning management system.
Online Record Keeping 2 What Has Research Revealed About Formative Assessment? Learners and teachers have opportunities to collaborate and become aware of language content and learning objectives. How Can Gradebook Be Used to Meet TTS (Goal 1)? Allows for detailed feedback, it also permits teachers to design evaluation scales related specifically to language achievement Gradebook Functionality in Moodle 3.1: to keep accurate records for analysis and provide meaningful feedback for positive washback through the scales, marking guides, and the Calculator functions.
Conclusion and Implications 1 To look at praxis more closely, 3 CALL applications examined using the TESOL Technology Standards as a guide for evaluation. Instruction enhances ZPD and CALL also co-constructs ZPD thorough social learning and mediation. Furthermore, constructivism suggests that through technologically enhanced collaborative and interactive tasks, learners can actively construct the knowledge they need. Interactionist theory and some of its application in CALL is interpersonal activity; However, in relation to CALL it usually involves interactions between computer and the learners or it is the medium between the teacher and the leaners. Computer learner interactions in CALL tasks have their distinct benefits.
Conclusion and Implications 2 Collaborative use of digital technology in CALL has been investigated from SLA theory to its application. Although many language learners and teachers are proficient in the use of technology, they are not using the available technology in a systematic way. We suggest that teachers, hoping to create a praxis between SLA theory and CALL-enhanced classroom practices, use the TTS to evaluate and improve upon how technology applications are applied to language learning and teaching. Further, we encourage teacher educators to use the TTS to help students consider how SLA theory relates to implanting and evaluating CALL.
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Alliant International University TESOL Program Strengths Rich, 30-year TESOL program history Strong reputation both in the USA and internationally Small class sizes with personalized attention A diverse, multinational student body with whom to collaborate Highly qualified faculty with extensive publishing and research experience offer mentorship and professional support Large, well-connected alumni base Relevant and evolving curriculum focused on the needs of today’s practicing TESOL practitioners * Disclosure: This content and any other related materials are proprietary and privileged information of Alliant International University. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the expressed written permission of the university. The content of this document and other related materials are subject to change.
Alliant International University TESOL Programs Degree Programs Master of Arts in Education Doctor of Education Format Options 100% on-ground in San Diego - or - 100% online Ranked # 4 in California in number of TESOL master’s degrees conferred in the 2010-2011 academic year* Ranked # 1 in the USA in number of TESOL doctoral degrees conferred in the 2010-2011 academic year* *Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics * Disclosure: This content and any other related materials are proprietary and privileged information of Alliant International University. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the expressed written permission of the university. The content of this document and other related materials are subject to change.
Master of Arts in Education | TESOL Curriculum Course # Course Title Units TES 7040 Development of Cross-Cultural Competencies 3 TES 7410 Theory and Method of Second Language Teaching TES 7420 Principles of Linguistics TES 7430 Techniques of Teaching Reading & Writing to Second Language Learners TES 7440 Techniques of Teaching Listening & Speaking to Second Language Learners TES 7450 Introduction to Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics TES 7460 English Grammar for ESL and EFL Teachers TES 7465 Curriculum Design and Language Assessment TES 7470 Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) TES 7475 Topics in TESOL Research and Pedagogy TES 7480 Technology and Teaching English Learners TES 7485 Research Methods and Seminar TES 7490 TESOL Practicum Project * Disclosure: This content and any other related materials are proprietary and privileged information of Alliant International University. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the expressed written permission of the university. The content of this document and other related materials are subject to change.
Doctor of Education | TESOL Curriculum Course # Course Title Units Core courses TES 8410 TESOL Theory and Methodology 3 TES 8420 Research in Second Language Acquisition TES 8430 Technology and Second Language Teaching TES 8441 Design, Development and Evaluation of Programs for Second Language Learners TES 8445 TESOL Field Research Project TES 8451 Cultural, Social, and Political Issues of Second Language Teaching TES 8460 Sociolinguistics TES 8470 Psycholinguistics TES 8480 Seminar: Current Topics in TESOL TES 8490 Advanced Linguistics for TESOL Research core courses GSE 8030 Research Design GSE 8033 Quantitative Research Methods GSE 8036 Qualitative Research Methods Electives Provide the opportunity to develop interest and emphasis areas 12 Dissertation sequence Dissertation plan, proposal, preparation and extensions (as needed) 9+ * Disclosure: This content and any other related materials are proprietary and privileged information of Alliant International University. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the expressed written permission of the university. The content of this document and other related materials are subject to change.
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