Write in your table of contents: #7 = POS #3 English 9, Day 7 * Thurs/Fri Write in your table of contents: #7 = POS #3 Number in your notebook 1-25. Write the POS for each italicized word. Tape in paper. When you get done, read in your self-selected book.
What is “silent reading” Book that interests you You have selected it, you are committed to it Eyes are on book You are reading, not looking at pictures or doing hw for this or any other class 10 – 15 min = 20ish pages of reading each day
About the Reading Program . . . You pick the book We will read 10-15 min/day When you finish a book, pick another one You will prepare and present a “book talk project” at end of quarter (end of Oct) . . . You’ll get that assignment by end of Sept.
# correct x 4 = percentage
Don’t Forget 9/11/01 The Victims: At the World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan, 2,753 people were killed when hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 were intentionally crashed in the north and south towers. Of those who perish during the initial attacks and the subsequent collapses of the towers, 343 were New York City firefighters, another 23 were New York City police officers and 37 others were officers at the Port Authority. The victims ranged in age from two to 85 years. Approximately 75-80 percent of the victims were men.
Don’t Forget 9/11/01 The Victims: At the Pentagon in Washington, 184 people were killed when hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the building. Near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 40 passengers and crew members aboard United Airlines Flight 93 died when the plane crashed into a field. It is believed that the hijackers crashed the plane in that location, rather than their unknown target, after the passengers and crew attempted to retake control of the flight deck.
Upcoming. . . New due dates 5 Continue to BYOB every class period A Library 163 2A 10:06 3A 12:22 4A 1:57 CECE #1 due at end of class – online AND printed copy B 2B 10:17 3B 12:25 A = 11 Notebook check typed CECE #2 due 12 p.m. ** with 2 Works Cited entries ** Vocab 2 assigned B = 18 Vocab Quiz #2 cover & Vocab due New due dates
PowerPoints and handouts will be posted on my homepage under Rocky’s webpage. Shortcut: http://www.westada.org/Domain/2789
Table of Contents Notebook check Wed/Thurs! 1: POS #1 2. Book Possibilities 3. POS #2 The Quotation Sandwich Draft of CECE #1 & Works Cited entry Portable Paradise 3b POS #3
Due Wed by 12 p.m.!!
Due Wed by 12 p.m.!!
ONLY turn in hard copy– no “turnitin.com”
#1 = 1 entry Hanging indent Last name # Works Cited "Athlete's Foot - Topic Overview." WebMD, 25 Sept. 2014, www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/tc/athletes-foot-topic-overview. Accessed 6 July 2015. Author. “Title of article.” Title of publication, Publisher, Publication Date, Location (pages, paragraphs and/or URL, DOI or permalink). Date of Access (if applicable). Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow, www.ehow.com/how_10727_ make-vegetarian-chili.html. Accessed 6 July 2015. Hanging indent
Purdue Online Writing Lab
You should be working on CECE #2 Due next Wed by noon Use what you learned in the peer review to write a great paragraph You will get CECE #1 back TODAY to use as reference and for Works Cited
You should be working on CECE #2 You will need your REVIEWED CECE #1 to do a good job on #2. Your WorkS Cited will have TWO entries Turn in BOTH #1 and #2 on Wed.
EASY CHEESEY GRADE!!!! “Cover Art” = Due date next Wed/Thurs Make-Your-Own-Design doodle criss cross words etc. Teach us something about you in your design (interest, hobby, etc.)
EASY CHEESEY GRADE!!!! “Cover Art” don’t wait to do it at the last minute!!! Teach us something about you in your design (interest, hobby, etc.)
www.wordle.net (word clusters) EASY CHEESEY GRADE!!!! “Cover Art” www.wordle.net (word clusters) Teach us something about you in your design (interest, hobby, etc.)
www.Tagxedo.com (lets you EASY CHEESEY GRADE!!!! “Cover Art” www.Tagxedo.com (lets you Put it into shape) Teach us something about you in your design (interest, hobby, etc.)
EASY CHEESEY GRADE!!!! “Cover Art” = Make-Your-Own-Design doodle criss cross words etc. Teach us something about you in your design (interest, hobby, etc.)
Teach Something About you
Teach something about you
Teach something about you
Teach something about you
Cover Art Rubric Due with vocab, Wed/Thurs Below Standard At Standard Above Standard >does not include 50 terms >looks like student gave little effort >student cannot be proud of this >not attached to notebook >Student name is missing >Includes at least 50 terms >Looks okay >Looks neat >Attached to notebook >Student name is clearly on notebook > Visually appealing >Neat, polished, professional-looking >Firmly attached to notebook
Write in your table of contents: #8 “The Necklace” agree/disagree Agree or disagree with the statements in the chart. Write a 1-sentence explanation for each. When you get done, read in your self-selected book. Ex: Lying is (is not) acceptable in some situations BECAUSE . . . .
The desks right now . . . front back
Change to look like this: front back
“The Necklace” (p. 536, cream books) By Guy de Maupassant
#9 Mme. Mathilde Loisel French = Mrs. (madam) ½ page 1 2 3 4 ½ page FYI: M. Loisel = French = Mr. (monsieur)
1. Sketch / paraphrase / describe this woman in your own words.
2. Sketch / paraphrase / describe this woman in your own words.
3. Sketch / paraphrase / describe this woman in your own words.
1 Sketch / paraphrase / describe this woman in your own words. 4 Given what you know about this woman, could she be a friend of yours? Why or why not? What do you value in a friend? (50 words)
#10: Beliefs and Values p. 536 ½ page of paper M. Loisel = Mr. Mme Loisel = Mrs. family community society personal experience As you read, track beliefs and values in the chart
Ms. T’s Schedule GRIZ 7:15-7:40 (usually) LUNCH (usually) AFTER SCHOOL 2:40-3:15 (sometimes)
Tuinstra-isms honor & integrity totally schmotally s-mother
HOMEWORK Next class: BYOB (always) Wed by noon: CECE #2 Wed/Thurs: Notebook Check #1 For next week: cover art
Upcoming. . . New due dates 5 Continue to BYOB every class period A Library 163 2A 10:06 3A 12:22 4A 1:57 CECE #1 due at end of class – online AND printed copy B 2B 10:17 3B 12:25 A = 11 Notebook check typed CECE #2 due 12 p.m. ** with 2 Works Cited entries ** Vocab 2 assigned B = 18 Vocab Quiz #2 cover & Vocab due New due dates
Check yer desk . . . Does it still have a number on it???
Enroll in Remind!!!