Brave New World Chapters 1-3 Review
Chapter 1 The Year 632 AF (After ford) Group of alpha plusses touring the Hatchery Social castes: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon Bokanovsky process Podsnap technique “community, identity, stability”
Chapter 1 continued Henry foster Lenina crowne Conveyor belt: 267 days, conditioning as they go through the conveyor belt- heat, cold, motion, vaccines End tour early to see conditioning at the psychological level
Chapter 2 Conditioning: delta babies: books and flowers, 200 repetitions Consumerism: games and activities Hypnopaedia: The story of Ruben Class Consciousness training for Betas, 123 times-3 times a week-30 weeks
Chapter 3 Observing play: centrifugal bumble puppy Erotic play between children: psychological conditioning Mustapha mond Bernard marx Shift change: 3 scenes moving back and forth quickly
Chapter 3, mond’s scene Ford “history is bunk” Nine years’ war, destruction of art/museums, resistance to hypnopaedia Emotions and stability Soma Pleasure is the ultimate goal conformity
Chapter 3: locker room scene Feelies: the new movies Henry and lenina Frank discussion of sex Bernard’s reaction to the discussion Others’ reaction to bernard
Chapter 3: Lenina and Fanny Pregnancy substitute Lenina and Henry’s dating (relationships) Fanny’s advice Bernard’s invitation to the savage reservation Rumors about Bernard Malthusian belt and drills
Characters: What we Know Lenina Crowne: Beta, dates henry foster, invite from Bernard, works on conveyor belt Bernard Marx: alpha plus, smaller, ugly, rumor about him, does not prescribe to all of world state beliefs Mustapha mond: one of the world controllers, may not exactly follow the rules set forth for everyone Henry foster: alpha, assistant director, dates lenina but responds to conditioning
Previewing Chapter 4 and 5 Lenina’s acceptance of Bernard’s invitation Helmholtz Watson Bernard’s paranoia Henry and lenina’s date Lenina’s conditioning falters Solidarity service Orgy porgy and Bernard’s thoughts