Everyone in your school is facing Disruptive change! LMST November 2013
Disruptive Change
3 years later 2013
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Schools are facing disruptive change School Libraries are facing disruptive change School Librarians School Librarians Classroom Teachers Common Core Standards of Excellence Common Core Framework for Teaching SLOs Accountability
Taking Action: Understand it Create a plan Act on it
Understand it
Implementing the Common Core state standards: The role of the school librarian Building reading, writing, speaking and listening skills together across the curriculum. Building appreciation of the best literature and informational materials together across the curriculum as part of a literate culture. Creating a school-wide participatory culture. Building co-taught research projects in blended learning experiences. Promoting interdisciplinary real-world problems, projects and learning experiences that take advantage of rich information resources and useful technology tools. Using technology to boost teaching and learning together. Creating cultural experience across the school, community, and across the world. Fostering creativity, innovation, play, building, and experimentation. Assessing the results of collaborative learning experiences. Managing the integration of classroom, school library learning commons, and technology tools.
Understand it Read your recommended initiative(s) in your group. Focus on the bulleted items that are related directly to your teaching in the library. Share What are the bulleted items that you selected? How does this align with your direct teaching in the library? How does this align with Common Core and other PGCPS initiatives? Collaboration is a process……
Make a plan “Implementing the Common Core State Standards – The Role of the School Librarian”, November, 2013 “Knowing the standards is important. Learning how schools must change to meet the CCSS is critical….school librarians are faced with a variety of standards documents…find(ing) central ideas, using information strategies to compare and contrast, analyzing and synthesizing data across documents – develop a vision that builds a repertoire of ways to embed one’s own expertise….”
Create a plan Synthesize two documents in order to create a lesson plan. Crosswalk document Unpacking document
Common Core Standard from Crosswalk Key words for focus… AASL Skill from Crosswalk – choose the most important one for your lesson Key words for focus… Will you include an opportunity for students to self- assess? Action Behaviors = Verbs Responsible Behaviors = Verbs List concepts from Standards = Nouns List skills from Standards = Verbs
What are students doing in the classroom What are students doing in the classroom? How can you extend/or support this learning? This is one of the most important choices you will make. How will you connect your lesson the content that students are learning in the classroom? Interdisciplinary…..Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, RELA, other…. Synthesis: How can all of these details come together into a lesson? Why should students learn this? How does this learning connect to the real world. Share the WHY. They need to know this. Write objectives for your lesson plan. Create your essential question for your lesson plan. This will probably reflect the real world learning.
Step 1: Understand It Step 2: Create a Plan Step 3: Act On It Collaborate Step 1: Understand It Step 2: Create a Plan Step 3: Act On It
Understand it create a plan Act on it
Sources Blockbuster: http://www.torbenrick.eu/blog/strategy/disruptive-change-bringing-new-life-to- a-high-street-staple/ Two different worlds: http://stolenchildhood.wordpress.com/2013/05/13/two-different- worlds/ Tipping Point: http://www.justintarte.com/2012/10/leadership-and-your-tipping-point.html Scandal: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/scandal-spoilers-season-2-shonda- rhimes-olivia-fitz-416752 Packing: http://ak5.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/4873835/preview/stock-footage-young- couple-unpacking-boxes-in-new-home-and-putting-things-away-in-kitchen.jpg Cupid Shuffle: http://wvde.state.wv.us/news/2469/ Synthesize: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/78030270/Synthesizing-%28PowerPoint%29 Share: http://www.beyondblackwhite.com/suggest-topic-or-write-post/