Which is longer? Given three Bible books, tell which one has the most chapters. For example: Psalms, 1 John, Luke The answer is Pslams (150) By Shad Sluiter Available for free download at www.GospelHall.org
Directions Give everyone in the group a pencil and paper. Number the paper from 1 to 10. Answer the questions. When checking the answers, exchange papers with another person.
1. Luke, Isaiah, Revelation Write your answer on a piece of paper. Later, you will see the answer.
2. Jonah, Jeremiah, Ephesians Write your answer on a piece of paper. Later, you will see the answer.
3. Genesis, Micah, Matthew Write your answer on a piece of paper. Later, you will see the answer.
4. Titus, Nahum, 3 John Write your answer on a piece of paper. Later, you will see the answer.
5. Matthew, Mark, Luke Write your answer on a piece of paper. Later, you will see the answer.
6. 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthains, Ephesians Write your answer on a piece of paper. Later, you will see the answer.
7. 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus Write your answer on a piece of paper. Later, you will see the answer.
8. Hebrews, James, 1 Peter Write your answer on a piece of paper. Later, you will see the answer.
9. Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians Write your answer on a piece of paper. Later, you will see the answer.
Time to check the answers… And now… Time to check the answers…
10. Jude, 3 John, Philemon Write your answer on a piece of paper. Later, you will see the answer.
1. Luke, Isaiah, Revelation
2. Jonah, Jeremiah, Ephesians
3. Genesis, Micah, Matthew Genesis (50)
4. Titus, Nahum, 3 John Nahum (3)
5. Matthew, Mark, Luke Luke (24)
6. 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthains, Ephesians
7. 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus 1 Timothy (6)
8. Hebrews, James, 1 Peter Hebrews (13)
9. Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians
10. Jude, 3 John, Philemon 3 John (14 verses)