Strontium The atomic number for the element Strontium is 38. Strontium’s Atomic Symbol is Sr.
History Strontium was discovered by Adair Crawford in 1790 as he was studying the mineral witherite (BaCO 3). It was isolated by Davey by electrolysis in 1808. Strontium is named after the town Strontian in Scotland.
Where is it found? Strontium is found in nature in the form of minerals. Coal, rocks, dust, soil, oil, surface and underground water, plants, air, and animals all contain varying amounts of Strontium.
Uses Strontium is mostly used in the manufacturing of color television picture tubes. This element is also used to refine the element Zinc. Magnets can be formed when Strontium is combined with Iron. The red flame produced by Strontium carbonate and Strontium nitrate is used in fireworks and signal flares. Strontium compounds are used in making ceramics and glass products, pyrotechnics, paint pigments, fluorescent lights, medicines, and other products.
Three interesting Facts Strontium ninety is the most hazardous of the radioactive isotopes of the chemical element strontium. Food and drinking water are the largest sources of exposure to Strontium. Strontium behaves like calcium when it is in a body.
Strontium Electron arrangement
Strontium Sources Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. ATSDR-Public Health Statement: Strontium. Jan 30. 2007. <> Bentor, Yinon.Chemical - Strontium. Jan. 30, 2007 <> Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility – Office of Science Education. It’s Elements- The Element Strontium. Jan 30.2007. Los Alamos National Labs Chemistry Division. Strontium. Jan 30.2007. <>
Ytterbium The atomic number for Ytterbium is 70. The atomic symbol for the element Ytterbium is Yb.
History Ytterbium was discovered by Jean de Marignac in 1878. Marignac believed that ytterbia was a compound of a new element. Marignac named this compound ytterbium. Ytterbium is named after the village of “Ytterby” near Vaxholm in Sweden.
Uses and Where it is found Ytterbium occurs rarely and it is recovered commercially from monazite sand (sand contains 0.03% of ytterbium). Ytterbium is used in improving the grain refinement, strength, and other mechanical properties of stainless steel. An isotope of ytterbium was used as a radiation source substitute for a portable X-ray machine where the electricity was not available. Very few uses have been found for this element.
Three interesting facts A Kg of ytterbium is valued at $875.00 Ytterbium has an atomic radius of 194 pm Ytterbium has a density of 6.90 grams per cubic centimeter
Ytterbium Electron arrangement
Ytterbium Sources Los Alamos National Labs Chemistry Division. Strontium. Jan 31.2007. <> Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator facility – Office of Science Education. Its Elements -The element Ytterbium. Jan31.2007.<>
By Edith Heather and Garrett