WELCOME Holy Family Catholic Primary School Annual Coffee Meeting
Partners I dreamed I stood in a studio, And watched two sculptors there. The clay they used was a child's mind, And they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher; the tools used, Were books and music and art. One, a parent with guiding hands, A gentle and loving heart. Day after day the teacher toiled, With a touch both deft and skilled. The parent laboured side by side, And all the values filled. And when at last their task was done, They looked at what they'd wrought. The beautiful shape of the precious child, Could neither be sold nor bought. And each agreed it would have failed, If one had worked alone. For behind the parent stood the school, And behind the teacher, home.
At Holy Family School we will provide a secure and happy environment in which we will :-
Pray together: Through our family and community of faith we strive for all to hear the message of God. Through the promotion of the Christian values of love, acceptance and respect for all, we will provide opportunities for all to develop an awareness of God’s presence in themselves and in others. Through the teachings and practice of our faith we will provide opportunities to respond to the word of God through collective worship, celebration and quiet reflection.
Play together: Through the development of excellent relationships in our school community we will strive to ensure all experience mutual respect, acceptance and love. Through fun filled activities, projects and social events we will provide opportunities to promote community cohesion and togetherness. Through our creative curriculum we will strive for all to seek excellence and experience enjoyment.
Learn together: Through the provision of a stimulating, well-balanced, forward thinking, diverse curriculum we will provide opportunities for all to develop an awareness of themselves, others and the world in which we live. Through inspirational, innovative, holistic teaching we will seek to create learners who aspire to succeed. Through the promotion of learning and equality for all we will strive to create independent, lifelong learners.
In fulfilling our Mission Statement we aim to: Acknowledge our responsibility to support parents in their task of nurturing their children towards human wholeness within a Christian community
School: We will: Provide you with information about your child’s progress and provide you with opportunities to talk to teachers. Keep you well informed about school policies and activities through regular letters and newsletters. Set, mark and monitor homework suitable to your child’s needs. Send home an annual report of your child’s progress. Contact you if there is a problem with your child’s punctuality or attendance. Inform you of any concerns regarding your child’s behaviour, work or health. Challenge your child to strive for the highest standard of personal, social and intellectual development and aim for excellence in all they do.
Parents: We acknowledge that we as parents are the primary educators of our children and have an irreplaceable role to play in supporting our children’s learning at school.… I will: See that my child attends school regularly, on time and suitably equipped. Inform the school of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour. Support the Christian values of the school community. Give my child opportunities for home learning and support home learning and homework from school. Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour.
Parents: I will: Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress. Encourage my child to be enthusiastic about learning and to enjoy school. Encourage my child to show kindness and consideration to others. Talk to my child about their experiences in school and encourage them to do their best. Attempt to support the Catholic community and the school governors in their responsibilities for maintaining the school buildings in good repair.
Pupils: I acknowledge the different and unique talents which God has given me and my responsibility to use them wisely. I will: Attend school regularly and on time. Wear the school uniform and bring all the equipment I need every day. Take care of school equipment and help keep our school and community free from litter. Learn something new each lesson and always do my best. Share my feelings honestly and politely and show consideration for others in school and the surrounding community. Behave sensibly so we can be happy and safe as we learn. Try to think for myself and take responsibility for my actions. Observe school rules and treat everyone with the respect they deserve.
Our school prayer Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless my family at home, Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless my family at school, Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless all the families of the world. Amen
Our School Mission Statement Following in Jesus’ footsteps… We pray together We play together We learn together
Welcome Letter Uniform Homework Punctuality and Attendance Behaviour and School values Taking Pride in Their Work Praising and Rewarding PE Dinner Money Questions and Appointments Medicines Communications
Key Stage 2 (Year 6)SATs Results 2017 In 2017, our results at the expected standard were not as high as in previous years, however, the percentage of children attaining at the higher standard had increased. In 2017, 29% of our children in Year 6 last year had special educational needs with two children not sitting the SATs tests. These two children still count in the percentages achieved by all children. Reading 74% at expected and 32% at greater depth standard. Writing 74% at expected and 32% at greater depth Maths 81% and 23% at greater depth standard. Given the pressures of a new and more challenging curriculum and revised assessments our children performed exceptionally well with our school performing top in Knowsley at both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and well above national averages.
We are currently looking at the support for our children with SEN to ensure the best possible progress for these children. Whilst attainment for our girls overall is high, their progress is not as high as it could be, particularly for maths. Both these areas will be a major focus in our school improvement plan.
Welcome to the Year 2 Coffee Morning
Topics for the Autumn Term R.E - Come and See Beginnings Signs & Symbols Preparations Science What is in your habitat? Our Changing World The Apprentice Gardener P.E Developing throwing and catching Developing walking Developing balance Developing running Widnes Vikings (History, Geography, Design Technology, I.C.T and Art) The Great Fire of London UK Case Study Developing Art skills- drawing & colour Textiles You’ve Got Mail!
Class Readers Class Author Class Poet Narrative Poems Owl Babies- Martin Waddell The Gruffalo – Julia Donaldson Where The Wild Things Are- Maurice Sendak Class Author Julia Donaldson Class Poet The Ahlbergs Narrative Poems Please Mrs Butler- Allan Ahlberg
Homework Reading Books & RaRaRa Books Children will receive their homework on a Monday. Homework needs to be completed for the Friday. The children will receive a Maths and English activity as well as spellings. Reading Books & RaRaRa Books RaRaRa books changed every Friday. Reading books changed every Tuesday and Friday. The diary does not need to just record the reading of school books- please include any books that belong to your child that have been read at home. I love to see what the children are interested in reading at home!
In Holy Family, we strive to be… Our School Values In Holy Family, we strive to be… Respectful Responsible Forgiving Honest Loving Patient