19th Hadron Synchrotron Incoherent effects section meeting January 20th, 2017
Information SLM Follow-up of actions from Evian Travel list for budget estimates finalised. Need to finalise participation for SC workshop FCC participation list to be approved by BE head LARP/HL-LHC meeting at LBNL in Spring, limited attendance by the group Discussion on office-space Guido to move to a new office in 1st floor Medical certificate is required to ask for a special office furniture (movable/electric desk, chair, etc.) Attempts to find some common ground on the UK post-docs for HL-LHC. Bernd Dehning passed away Follow-up of actions from Evian Luminosity evolution/beam-beam/emittance control: Understanding of the discrepancy estimated luminosity measurements/measured luminosities in the last part of the run The emittance blow-up is changing during the run: correlation with beam and machine parameters?
Information BEMB Latest version of the calendar for the MERIT exercise was circulated. It is suggested that before writing the assessment, to have a discussion between section leader and group leader Sebastian Bott will take over from Donna as HRA during her absence. Some Turkish collaborators have been dismissed from their institutes. If other cases appear, please inform the CERN international relations. The BE workshop (7-9/02/2017) will take place at the Mövenpick hotel. Green paper posts: From the ~80 LD posts asked by the DG the ABP group may get 2, timeline still to be finalised There will be a cut on operation budget, i.e. also on students (~ 10% of the budget). Markus Zerlauth will be a new LHC machine coordinator In 2016, 5000 days (i.e. 52 FTEs) of sick leave were requested for psychological issues LMC Re-alignment around CMS: Paul is discussing this with Miguel. RF ball test: stuck in position 25R1 and 24R1 (also happened during the long last shutdown). Local aperture checks should be made. Waiting for the results of tomography
Information Beam-beam and luminosity Work of Fanouria, Dario, Nikos Stephane, et al. in preparation of Chamonix Discussion with Andri on her work progress. She has to come at CERN at the beginning of February. She will get a VISC status, until the UK-CERN HL-LHC contract is finalised. Discussion organised by Ilias on the PS magnets model. Several plots and calculations provided by Fanouria for lumi estimation in view of Chamonix. Two wire meetings: One on the workshp participant list, and what to be discussed. It seems that we target more for 1 day workshop, especially if the discussion is on the tests in 2017. A 2nd meeting was dedicated to the interlocking Study of Nikos and Dario on the effect of missing the MS in Q10 (tune-scan for several cases). Another iteration with Riccardo is expected with another method of how to power the MSs. Laurent circulated an email for guidelines on the implementation of the SABA2C symplectic integrator (work of Kyriakos) in the new MAD Presentation on wire experimental plans yesterday at the HL-LHC TCC Worked on luminosity formulas for q-Gaussian distributions
Next events LHC Chamonix workshop, 23-26/01 2017 CLIC workshop, CERN, 6-10/02 2017 EUCARD2 workshop on “Beam Dynamics meets Vacuum, Collimations, and Surfaces”, Karlsruhe, 8-10 March 2017 BBLR Compensation workshop, close to CERN, 20 or 21/03/2017 MD injector days, CERN, 23-24/03/2017 EUCARD2 Annual meeting, Glasgow, 28-30/03/2017 US-LARP HL-LHC meeting, Berkeley, 24-28/04/2017 IPAC 2017, Copenhagen, 14-19/05/2017 FCC week, Berlin, 29/05-02/06 2017 Impedance and Instabilities workshop, Benevento, 18-22/09/2017 Advanced Accelerator Physics CAS, RHUL, London, UK, 03-15/09/2017 Space-charge workshop, GSI Darmstadt, 04-06/10/2017 Beam-beam workshop, Berkeley, Fall 2017 HL-LHC general meeting, Madrid, Fall 2017
AOB Next section meeting on the 10 of February, at 11am