Learning Goal 5: Describe how European exploration impacted political control of territories (colonialism) and impacted the diffusion of products and ideas (Columbian Exchange). Criteria for Success: How was the political control of overseas territories changed due to European control? How did the spread of western culture (European culture) occur in the Americas and Africa?
The Age of Exploration: Increasing Connectivity Colonialism, Imperialism and the Columbian Exchange: Increasing Human Interaction
Read the Paragraph: There were many reasons for the European Age of Exploration. A spirit of inquiry encouraged by the Renaissance and the conquest of the Byzantine Empire by the Ottoman Turks in 1453 which temporarily cut Europe off from trade with East Asia encouraged Europeans to search for new trade routes to Asia. In addition, monarchs created incentives for explorers to find all-water passages to Asia. Believing that by controlling trade with Asia a nation became powerful, monarchs invested time and money in exploration. Ever since the Crusades and Marco Polo’s reports of Asian delicacies, European interest in Asian goods like spices, perfumes, and silks had greatly increased. Of course, better navigation skills and instruments, like the compass and the moveable rudder, allowed Europeans to sail farther than ever before. Finally, Christian rulers in Europe wanted to spread their religion through overseas exploration. All of these motives led to an explosion of exploration.
Causes of the Age of Exploration Using the paragraph on the previous slide… Write the causes of the Age of Exploration in your ISN
GOD, gold & Glory
Using the internet, define Colonialism & imperialism In your ISN then: How do these 2 terms differ? http://www.cssforum.com.pk/css-optional-subjects/group-f/international-relations/48541-difference-between-imperialism-colonialism.html Look at the definitions of 4 & 5! Do not forget these definitions. You will use them later in this lesson.
The Columbian Exchange-Products Pre-AP Instructions: Click on the link below and using the information from the article, document the flow of products from the Columbian Exchange on your map. http://www.learnnc.org/lp/editions/nchist-twoworlds/1866 Academic Instructions: http://suite101.com/a/columbianexchange-a1673 Answer: What happened to the native population of the Americas because of the introduction of Afro-Eurasian diseases?
The Columbian Exchange-Culture Using the Internet: Define Miscegenation in your ISN Watch the video On your map, show the cultural diffusion from Europe to the Americas (culturally, Europe contributed what to the Americas)? Infer: Which group of people do you think are at the top of the cultural, political and economic spectrum during this period and after: Europeans or the native peoples? Why do you think this? Click on the link below and start the video at 3:15 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPqCiPuvICE
Answer Each in your isn: From the Americas to Africa Using the Internet, Define the Triangle Trade. Look at your map of the Columbian Exchange and infer: How did the introduction of European products and diseases in the Americas bring about the Triangle Trade?
Summary (in your isn) Spatial Diffusion-Columbian Exchange Effects on Europe New agricultural products introduced, which led to a population increase and increasing political European control of the Americas territory Effects on Latin America Miscegenation, slavery introduced, native population decreased, colonization, consolidation of land into the control of large European landowners Ultimately, the Age of Exploration led to increased global interactions as Europeans encountered the peoples of the world, particularly in the Americas & Africa, and global cultural diffusion increased.
On my website: Open the Word Document: African Societies & Slavery Read the article, then answer in your ISN: Infer: How did the existence of the African slave trade influence the ease with which Europeans were able to take over Africa?
Africa 1st picture-Africa before the Age of Exploration 2nd-Africa after the Berlin Conference which created 50 new nations controlled by European countries
Question: Answer in your isn Looking at the maps on the previous slide, what geographic, cultural and political problems might arise because of the forced creation of 50 new African nations?
Write in your ISN Due to the Age of Exploration, there is a shift in trade patterns. Raw materials to Europe from the Americas which fuels the coming Industrial period Manufactured goods to Africa Slaves from Africa to the Americas to work plantations, mines, etc. to produce raw materials http://www.eduplace.com/kids/socsci/books/applications/imaps/maps/g5s_u3/ Click on the link above & click on each arrow to see how trade patterns developed!
Summary (in your isn) Spatial Diffusion-Columbian Exchange & Triangle Trade Effects on Africa Massive forced out migration Rise of the West African coastal trade kingdoms Slavery Demographic population gap between genders Shift in trade patterns
Essential questions: Turn in How did The Age of Exploration change the world spatially (PECS)? How was Africa’s experience different than the Americas because of European exploration (Colonialism vs. Imperialism)? Using the Demographic Transition Model: Show how population changed in the Americas, Europe & Africa because of the Columbian Exchange (Color coordinate the Americas, Europe & Africa).