Prepared by: Amirah Che Ayub EVENT MANAGEMENT BHM 6433 3 Credit Hours INTRODUCTION OF EVENT Prepared by: Amirah Che Ayub
The Impact of Events Social and cultural impacts Political impacts Environmental impacts Tourism and economic impacts
Social Impacts Benefits: Disadvantages: Shared experience Revitalizations of traditions Building of community pride Validation of community groups Increased community participation Introduction of new and challenging ideas Expansion of cultural perspective Disadvantages: Community alienation Manipulation of community Negative community Image Bad behavior Substance abuse Loss of amenity
Political Impacts Benefits: Disadvantages: International prestige Improved profile Promotion of investment Social cohesion Development of administrative skills Disadvantages: Risk of event failure Misallocation of funds Lack of accountability Propaganda Loss of community ownership and control
Environmental impacts Disadvantages: Environmental damage Pollution Destruction of heritage Negative community Image Noise disturbance Traffic congestion Benefits: Showcasing of the environment Provision of models for best practice Increased environmental awareness Infrastructure legacy Improved transport and communications Urban transformation and renewal
Tourism and Economic Impact Disadvantages: Community resistance to tourism Loss of authenticity Damage to reputation Exploitation Inflated prices Opportunity costs Financial mismanagement Financial loss Benefits: New Jobs High Commerical activities New business opportunities Increase tax and incomes Destinational promotion and increased tourist visits Extended length of stay Increase productivity
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Define event and special event. Provide two (2) examples each. Discuss the positive impacts of event towards environment. Discuss the negative impacts of event towards social among communities.