The music you are listening to is… Eine Kleine Nachtmusik By Mozart
Gatehouse Primary Academy Welcome to Gatehouse Primary Academy Inspiring Excellence!
Our word for this term is… love!
1 Corinthians Chapter 13 Love suffers long… and is kind. Love does not envy…
Here are the… Learners Of The Week!
Merit Badges Class Name Reason Indonesia Bonnie Austin For persevering with 6-digit numbers. China Mary Borbon For showing super cooperative skills. Japan Imani Elwell For super place value work. India Cody Pennington For excellent learning in Maths. Morocco Rose Goodwin For wonderful learning behaviour. Egypt Mia Bell For a superb setting description. Ghana Evie Lamkin For super joining up. South Africa Dainton Williams For trying hard to form letters correctly. Kenya Mason Pegg For super determination. Norway Gracie McBride For being a hard-working pupil. Poland Lottie Plain For great writing of Little Red Riding Hood.
class that has attended school the best! Here is the… class that has attended school the best!
School Target For The Week To be kind by sharing your games.
Will YOU be on the… Top Table?
If you can dream it, you can do it.