Welcome to Alexandra Infant School. June 2015
Together we nurture the genius in everyone. Our core values Together we nurture the genius in everyone.
What should our school should be like for children? Thought provoking Accepting Respectful Enticing Fun Engaging Risk taking Creative Happy Safe Nurturing Challenging Inspiring Inclusive Friendly
What do we want parents to feel about our school? Welcome. Valued as partners. Confident that you will be listened to Acknowledged as your child’s first and most enduring educators. Included.
We want you to know how important you are!
7 key factors associated with educational success: The characteristics of the child as a learner The characteristics of the child’s family The degree of parental involvement The effects of the local community Peer group pressure Family support services The quality of the school
We will help you to be involved – please work with us by: Signing up for parent mail and reading all the letters we send you Attending the termly workshops in Nursery Using the information we put on our website about learning, for instance the new curriculum Volunteering to help
Your child as a learner
Alexandra Inclusion We pride ourselves on our inclusion, and recognise that there are many issues that may sometimes get in the way of children’s learning or well-being. There are many ways we can help, so if you are ever worried, do tell us. We also include some children in each year group who have quite major difficulties that are already identified before they start.
Our future Alexandra is at the start of an exciting and challenging transition. We are going to change from an Infant School into a Primary School. We need to plan to make the very best of this opportunity so that our pupils will continue to enjoy an outstanding education.
We are planning for the future to create a Primary School that will nurture the growth of our Infant s so that they can become 11 year olds ready for the next stage in their educational adventure, equipped with the skills, knowledge, attitudes and self-belief that will help them to achieve their dreams. We hope you will join us on our journey!