STRUCTURE OF THE PRESENTATION Purpose of Programme Strategic Objectives Sub-programmes and Purpose Achievements against 2006/07 Outputs 5. Planned Outputs for 2007/08 6. Budget dplg 13 March 2007 2
1. PURPOSE The purpose of the Programme is to conduct overall management of the Department, formulate internal policies, and provide for the leadership functions of the Senior Management within the Ministry and the Department. dplg 13 March 2007 3
2. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Monitor performance, evaluate service delivery and communicate development. Strengthen dplg organisational capacity and capability. dplg 13 March 2006 4
3. SUB-PROGRAMMES AND PURPOSE (Cont.) Human Resource Management and Development To render Organisational Development, Human Resource Management and Development services and increased Quality of Worklife within dplg. Information Technology and Management To oversee the development of IT Policy and implementation of Information Communication Technology services. Internal Communication To render corporate brand management and internal communication services. dplg 13 March 2007 5
3. SUB-PROGRAMMES AND PURPOSE (Cont.) Marketing and Communication To co-ordinate the development and implementation of a Marketing and Communication Strategy. dplg 13 March 2007 6
4. ACHIEVEMENTS AGAINST 2006/07 OUTPUTS (Cont.) Internship Programme implementation according to the needs of the Branches. PMDS implemented at all levels within the Department. Virtual private Network implemented to enhance communication and access to dplg information and better capacity to communicate with stakeholders based on ‘quick access’ to information. Established ICT Local Government fora in eight provinces to support service delivery (Joint venture between the dplg, SALGA and DPSA). Developed draft guidelines regarding local communication e.g. covers communication policy, how communication structures should look at local level, described linkages to IGR. More than 50% of district communication fora have been established which provide support to IGR. dplg 13 March 2007 7
4. ACHIEVEMENTS AGAINST 2006/07 OUTPUTS 2005/06 Annual Report finalised and presented on time. Communication Strategy approved, rolled-out to key Stakeholders and Project Consolidate Municipalities. Continous monitoring of Risk Management through the Quarterly Review Meetings. HRD Strategy developed and approved. dplg 13 March 2007 8
5. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR THE 2007/08 FINANCIAL YEAR (Cont.) Improve customer services and enhance service delivery. e.g. service standards, needs assessment with clients Enhance effective implementation and monitoring of internal administrative policies. Apply systems, standards and specifications that enhance the quality of services delivered by dplg’s service providers. dplg 13 March 2007 9
5. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR THE 2007/08 FINANCIAL YEAR (Cont.) Develop a comprehensive HRM&D strategy Recruitment strategy Career development Succession planning Retention strategy To align HR planning to the strategy and needs of the organisation 3 year HR plan Employment equity plan Skills development plan (dplg wide) dplg 13 March 2007 10
5. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR THE 2007/08 FINANCIAL YEAR (Cont.) Implement an HR Information Management System to support planning and management (integrated systems). Implement organizational development interventions that align the structure and build employee performance and motivation. Develop and align human resources policies. Enhance customer service and service delivery. dplg 13 March 2007 11
5. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR THE 2007/08 FINANCIAL YEAR Development of a Monitoring and Evaluation System to track communications impact. To profile dplg in respect of key national initiatives. Development of an ICT Governance Framework for dplg. Enhance customer service and service delivery by developing of a Service Management Framework. Development of a service orientated and integrated architecture framework of dplg. Development of a Knowledge and Information System for dplg. Facilitate and strengthen ICT Local Government Forums and participate at external ICT fora. dplg 13 March 2007 12
6. STRUCTURE AND STAFFING (Cont.) Post Level Female Male Total African Coloured Asian White 1 – 2 7 14 (4.4%) 3 – 5 47 1 2 27 3 80 (25.2%) 6 – 8 43 17 15 82 (259%) 9 – 12 59 4 13 53 141 (44.5%) Total: Post levels 1-12 156 (49.2%) 6 (1.9%) (0.6%) 32 (10.1%) 102 (32.1%) 9 (2.9%) (0.3%) 317 (100%) SMS Band A 18 24 8 62 (64.6%) SMS Band B 12 28 (29.2%) SMS Band C (4.1%) SMS Band D (2.1%) Total: SMS (28.1%) (3.1%) (0%) 38 (39.6%) 6.3(%) (6.3%) (12.5%) 96 (100%) Total: All posts 183 (44.3%) (0.5%) 36 (8.8%) 140 (33.9%) (3.6%) (1.7%) 21 (5.1%) 413 (100%) dplg 13 March 2007 13
6. STRUCTURE AND STAFFING (Cont.) Post Category 1 April 2006 28 February 2007 Number of approved posts Number of filled posts Number of vacancies SMS 120 90 30 129 101 28 Middle Management 93 78 15 91 13 Lower Posts 259 231 280 221 59 TOTAL 472 399 73 500 400 100 Analysis: Change since 1 April 2006: 28 Additional posts have been created, of which 9 are at SMS level. Number of filled posts have increased by 1 post. dplg 13 March 2007 14
7. Representivity profile on SMS level compared with Public Service targets, as at 28 February 2007 CATEGORY PUBLIC SERVICE AND dplg TARGETS POSITION AS AT 28.2.2007 GAP 28.2.2007 Black People (African, Coloured and Asian) at SMS level 75% 86% +11% Women at Management level 50% 35.% -15% People with Disabilities 2% 0.5% -1.5% Analysis: The dplg has exceeded the 75% Public Service black people at management level. The dplg has not met the Public Service of 50% for women at management level. Currently the gap is -15%. The Employment Equity Plan and strategy has been revised to enable the dplg to meet the new target of 50%. On 28 February 2006, the profile for People with Disability was 0.5%. The Employment Equity plan and strategy have been revised to also address this gap of -1.5%. dplg 13 March 2007 15
Medium-term estimates 9. BUDGET Corporate Services 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Adjusted appropriation Medium-term estimates MTEF Baseline Minister 938 985 1,034 Deputy Minister 728 764 802 Ministry 10,921 11,389 11,948 12,389 Management 7,554 8,571 8,992 9,324 Administration 16,987 16,948 17,790 18,446 Human Resource Man & Dev 11,376 14,244 14,944 15,495 Inform Technology & Man 9,339 10,498 11,014 11,420 Internal Communication 5,218 6,515 6,835 7,087 Marketing & Communication 4,498 5,949 6,241 6,471 Property Management 19,886 21,492 22,547 23,379 Government Motor Transport 774 815 855 887 Acc. & Supply Chain Management 13,477 15,444 16,202 16,800 Total of subprogrammes 101,696 113,531 119,116 123,534 dplg 13 March 2007 16
9.1 Budget Analysis for 2006/07 Thank you! The increase of 19.6% in Administration is due to: Management - Increase in the management structure of the office of the Director General and the full funding of the DDG posts for Monitoring and Evaluation and the Chief Financial Officer. Corporate Services - The increase in the total establishment necessitated an increase in the provision for telecommunication, copier services, cleaning, and security. Property Management - This function has been transferred to all national departments from the Department of Public Works and the provisions reflected were transferred with the function. The increase in the outer years of the MTEF is 3.4% and 5.3% respectively. Thank you! dplg 13 March 2007 17