Level E Unit 9 Vocabulary Words.


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Presentation transcript:

Level E Unit 9 Vocabulary Words

Synonyms: assign, allot, apportion 1. Allocate (v.) to set apart or designate for a special purpose; to distribute In their wills many people ALLOCATE a portion of their wealth to favorite charities. Synonyms: assign, allot, apportion

2. Ardent (adj.) very enthusiastic, impassioned The members of the winning team acknowledged the cheers of their ARDENT fans. Synonyms: intense, zealous, fervent, avid Antonyms: indifferent, stolid, phlegmatic, apathetic

3. Assiduous (adj.) persistent, attentive, diligent Workers who are conscientious in the performance of their duties are ASSIDUOUS. Synonyms: industrious, unremitting, sedulous Antonyms: lazy, lackadaisical, shiftless

4. Brash (adj.) prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent Successful political candidates soon learn how to handle tough questions fired at them by BRASH reporters. Synonyms: rash, impetuous, brazen, impertinent Antonyms: prudent, wary, cautious, circumspect

5. Capricious (adj.) subject to passing whims or passing fancies Our constitutional system of checks and balances is designed to prevent to the CAPRICIOUS power by any branch of the government. Synonym: impulsive, fickle, unpredictable, mercurial Antonyms: constant, steady, steadfast, unwavering

6. Chastise (v.) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely State and federal laws now forbid the use of corporal punishment to CHASTISE prisoners. Synonyms: discipline, censure Antonyms: commend, reward

7. Copious (adj.) abundant; plentiful; wordy, verbose The COPIOUS and detailed footnotes found in most scholarly books are designed to document the author’s sources. Synonyms: ample, profuse, bountiful Antonyms: inadequate, meager, scanty, concise

8. Deviate (v.) to turn aside; to stray from a norm (n.) one who departs from the norm (adj.) differing form a norm; unconventional Try not to DEVIATE form the directions given in the manual. Those who disagreed with the Soviet form of government were often branded as DEVIATES. Under our system of justice, the mentally ill cannot be held responsible for their DEVIATE behavior. Synonyms: diverge, veer, swerve Antonyms: conform to, abide by; orthodox

9. Emaciated (adj., part.) unnaturally thin People who suffer from serious eating disorders may soon become woefully EMACIATED. Synonyms: gaunt, withered, shriveled Antonyms: plump, fat, obese, corpulent

Antonyms: mope, sulk, regret, rue, lament 10. Exult (v.) to rejoice greatly The campaign workers EXULTED in the unexpected victory of their candidate. Synonyms: revel, glory Antonyms: mope, sulk, regret, rue, lament

11. Gnarled (adj.) knotted, twisted, lumpy The GNARLED limbs of cypresses dominate the landscapes painted by the Dutch artist van Gogh. Synonyms: knotty, misshapen, contorted Antonyms: smooth, unblemished, straight

Synonyms: compensation, restitution, reparation 12. Indemnity (n.) a payment for damages or loss A certain type of life insurance contract provides double INDEMNITY for the accidental death of the policyholder. Synonyms: compensation, restitution, reparation

Synonyms: clue, intimation, suggestion 13. Inkling (n.) a hint; a vague notion I had absolutely no INKLING of what to expect as I entered the room. Synonyms: clue, intimation, suggestion

14. Limpid (adj.) clear, transparent; readily understood Snorkelers flock to the LIMPID waters of the Caribbean to view schools of brightly colored fish. Synonyms: lucid, intelligible Antonyms: clouded, murky, opaque

15. Omnipotent (adj.) almighty, having unlimited power or authority Many of the heroes of ancient myths appear to be all but OMNIPOTENT. Synonyms: all-powerful Antonyms: powerless, impotent, feeble, weak

16. Palatable (adj.) agreeable to the taste or one’s sensibilities; suitable for consumption The addition of some seasonings will usually make even the blandest of dishes PALATABLE. Synonyms: edible, appetizing, attractive Antonyms: inedible, distasteful, disagreeable

17. Poignant (adj.) deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell There is something truly POIGNANT about the sight of falling leaves in autumn. Synonyms: heart rendering; bittersweet, melancholy Antonyms: unaffecting, bland, vapid, insipid, funny

18. Rancor (n.) bitter resentment or ill-will An unusual degree of RANCOR may creep into the tone of the political debate in an election year. Synonyms: animosity, enmity, bitterness Antonyms: goodwill, harmony, rapport, amity

19. Sophomoric (adj.) immature and overconfident; conceited Adolescents aren’t the only people whose behavior might at times be considered SOPHOMORIC. Synonyms: pretentious, superficial, fatuous Antonyms: mature, judicious, sage, knowledgeable

20. Spontaneous (adj.) arising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance Actors try to make their performances seem as SPONTANEOUS as possible. Synonyms: unpremeditated, unplanned, impromptu Antonyms: premeditated, planned, contrived, rehearsed