NOTE: To protect the patient’s identity, we have used a symbolic picture or photographs for the purpose of presentation
A black beauty with sharp features & nice eyes
Unmarried but had an affair with a married man from the film industry
He was nearly twice her age when the affair started
The affair reached it's zenith in a few months Everybody knew about it She bought an apartment near by where he was staying
Due of social limitations they could not get married, but the relationship continued for years
She never accepted a supporting actor’s role in a film. Always wanted a lead role, always the role of the heroine. She always insisted to a top rating in the credits or she would decline the roles
Wherever she went her ego had to be satisfied or she would just walk away
She also wanted to have children but as she could not marry, she had to suppress her desires
Very generous Strained to support her family her sisters brother & mother financially and emotionally Spent all her wealth for everybody
This strain took a toll on her health Developed hormonal disturbances irregular periods and multiple fibroids
Desire - Sweets Aversion- Non vegetarian Bowels - Mild constipation Menses - Menarche - 13 yrs. Clots + + Bleeding profuse lasting for 8 / 9 days Feels very weak. Cannot bear the discomfort ````````````````
Sleep Disturbed at times Dreams of Flying Marriage Winning an award
Bath - Tepid water Weather- Winter Enjoys fan and air conditioning
Ultra Sonography showed Multiple fibroids of variable in size
Palladium – 200 were repeated 1 dose of Palladium - 200 In a span of 1 year 4 more doses of Palladium – 200 were repeated
Reason : Egoistic Kind hearted Never accepted second position Always wanted to be a leader Desire for a sexual relationship
Result Within a year the fibroids disappeared. Ultra Sonography showed no fibroids in the uterus
The case was analyzed with the help of Hompath software having the world’s largest homoeopathic database.
Dear Reader, It is our pleasure to inform you that Speciality Clinic is powered by the Homeopathic Software with the World’s Largest Database, “HOMPATH”. The information given in the subsequent slides is to educate the Reader on the intricate working of the Clinic in the treatment of the patient.
Fond of the good opinion of others, also too much weight is laid on their judgment, Therefore very excited in society, and her complaints are worse next day
Better In company, wants to be flattered Easily wounded pride Imagines herself neglected
Swelling and indurations of right ovary, with soreness and a shooting pain from navel to pelvis, with a heaviness and weight in pelvis, worse from exertion and while standing up, better lying on left side
Rigid pride Successful but lonely Feeling hurt when they can't be the sparkling centre of attention
Ambition makes them want to be the centre of attention: pride They like to get all the attention, but also all the praise. They want to hear they have done well and they like to be flattered
They don't only want to be the best, they also want to hear that they are the best Their position needs to be acknowledged by others
They feel very humiliated if they aren't the centre of attention They can get quite jealous of the successes of other artists
They get annoyed when they aren't invited to parties This type of humiliation is hard for them to bear and it makes them very angry
When She realised that her partner was not honest with her & had many such affairs She broke off the relationship and decided to start her life afresh
Learning Right medicine can reverse pathology It reverses the process which created it. Even though the situation remains same understanding of the situation improves and that leads to taking a right decision. Once a right decision is taken -it brings lot of peace within humans
E: info@specialtyclinic.com Clinic No. 2, Cupid Apt., 66-E, Linking Road, Khar(West), Mumbai – 400052, Maharashtra, India. T: +91 22 2604 0527/ 5713 (5:00 PM – 8:30 PM) T: +91 22 61417800 – 99 (100 Lines) E: info@specialtyclinic.com www.speacialtyclinic.com To know more about Dr. Jawahar Shah, click here www.specialityclinic.com/DrJawaharShah