Openecomp Migration Proposals Catherine Lefèvre (AT&T) August 16, 2017
Agenda Evaluation of Different Options Hybrid Proposal List of Dependencies List of Changes
Evaluation of Different Options Start Now / Move all projects at once Advantage: Clean slate for R1 Risk: several weeks to sort out, ONAP release 1 delay unmitigated risk 2. Start Now / Move projects one at a time Advantage: Controlled migration Risks: Implication for each project to reference old and new dependencies Time to migration (could it be done by R1 Release) Risk delay to R1 due to stabilizing after migration 3. Move projects after R1 release branch is created (M4-Code Freeze Milestone) Advantage: No Risk for Amsterdam Release Disadvantage: Reference to Openecomp will remain as part of the Amsterdam Release
Hybrid Proposal Step 1 - Start Now / Move projects that have limited dependencies CLAMP / CCSDK are new ONAP projects and will be aligned with * Most of the SDNC seed code from the SDNC project is moved to the CCSDK project org.openecomp.sdnc -> org.onap.ccsdk The SDNC seed code, which has the org.openecomp name, will remain in place, in a new branch named release-1.1.0. The master branch of sdnc will be updated to be based on CCSDK. So, from a clients’ perspective, they should be able to move over from SDNC to CCSDK as soon as R1 release branch is created. DCAE confirmed that they have no dependency and therefore will migrate as part of R1 (excluding dependencies on DMaaP and on SDC distribution client) Any visible openecomp reference should be removed from any UI and from any document Step 2 - Move remaining projects after R1 release branch is created * modifications will be performed on the master branch (that will be used for our R2 development)
List of Dependencies AAF/DMaaP PORTAL/SDK is distributed and used by other projects, so any client project that require to get an org.onap.* version of the portal-sdk libraries, these will need to revise their source code for different import statements. Policy – dependency on AAF/DMaaP SDC – SDC has a number of artifacts used across ONAP (i.e. APPC/Policy/A&AI/SO etc.) Sdc distribution Sdc parser Artifact generator DCAE – remaining dependency on DMaaP/SDC distribution client ECOMP Portal – will depend on VID/Policy/SDC SO – will depend on SDC VID –dependency on SO AAI – will depend on SDC/SO SDNC – dependency on CCSDK, SO and DCAE APPC – will depend on SDNC/CCSDK/SDC & AAI
List of Changes Coordinate and update Maven dependencies and links Update namespaces as required Change the source code in order to align with * for each impacted project Change the groupIDs and Java package names Change the development scripts Review and update automated test cases Re-adjust the LF infrastructure (i.e. repo structure etc.) accordingly, keeping the org.openecomp version in place until the end of migration That way each project can control the pace of migration from org.openecomp -> org.onap especially for the projects that are already based on the previous naming. Review and re-adjust build jobs to be approved by CI-Management project Create a temporary environment to perform the necessary code changes Plan the migration in order to avoid any drastic impact on the ONAP community Recreate new docker images and stabilize the complete ONAP Environment Review documentation, wiki accordingly Ensure backward compatibility
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