Romanticism Era By: Jessica Chen Erin Edwards Xochilt Herrera William Wordsworth By: Jessica Chen Erin Edwards Xochilt Herrera Herman Melville Edgar Ellen Poe William Blake
American Romanticism Darker Aesthetic Talked about history and religion Singled itself out from English romanticism Wasn't really appreciated during the time because of its darker and more mysterious writing than the "light" literature during that time
Herman Melville Author of "Moby Dick" Very into hidden meanings and symbols Expressed history, mythology, and religion Known to be very dark for its expression of madness, power, and the pure nature of being human Died a failed writer since the type of literature he used wasn't fully appreciated until after his time.
Edgar Allen Poe Inventor of crime fiction in American poetry Explored a strange side of human nature Fascinated by grotesque and "strange beauty" Sing-song rhythm poems "Eldorado" Six-line stanzas, or sestet Inescapable worldliness of his poems
Nathaniel Hawthorne Author of " The Scarlet Letter" Showed a deep sense of history, seemed to be before his time Includes the power of suggestion and imagination Replicates a supernatural, even grotesque nature Leaves a sense of the unknown for the reader, and sometimes even the protagonist (Young Goodman Brown) 7/20/2018
English Romanticism Influenced by the end of the 18th century Connected with medievalism and mythology Emphasized on emotion and individuals rather than society Appreciation of grotesque and strange beauty 7/20/2018
Romanticism vs Enlightenment Romanticism would “ rebel” against the ideals of Enlightenment. There was a downgrading of reasoning in Romanticism, as a way to go against Enlightenment thinking. Specifically with Alexander Popes’ work, Wordsworth would go against the Enlightenment traditions of poetry. Romanticism focused on individualism and emotion; whereas, Enlightenment focused on symmetry and harmony. Enlightenment thinkers believed everything surrounded science. Romantics opposed and based everything off of intuition. 7/20/2018
William Wordsworth Launched the Romantic Age with his work Lyrical Ballads Used nature as a dominant theme Known for the awareness of the relation between living things and objects Showed past, present, and future as mixed in the human consciousness Inspired by the Renaissance and Greek and Latin epic poetry 7/20/2018
William Blake Borned November 28, 1757 Borned in London, England Died August 12, 1827 aged 69 Printermaker, poet, and painter Married to Catherine Boucher 7/20/2018
William Blake's Work Songs of Innocence and of Experience The Tyger The Lamb The Bookof Thel The Divine Image The Chimney Sweeper Infant Sorrow Laughing Song 7/20/2018
Literature Style Uses various styles of literature in his work Rarely rhymed Often made people question if he was sane Uses quatrains throughout his works Illustrated all his poems and books by himself Uses terameter (seven beats per line) 7/20/2018