SuperNEMO 1st Report to Oversight Committee SuperNEMO UK 29 June 2006
Outline SuperNEMO overview Report on activity Feb – Jun ’06 Management and Work Packages Tracker work Scintillator work Work on other work packages Milestones and plans for the next period, Jul’06 – Feb’07 Milestones and future plans until Jan’09
SuperNEMO collaboration NEMO collaboration + new labs ~ 70 people, 11 countries, 27 laboratories Marocco Fes U. Japan U. Saga U. Osaka USA MHC INL (U. Texas) UK UC London U Manchester IC London Finland U. Jyvaskula Russia JINR Dubna INR Moscow ITEP Moscow Kurchatov Institute Ukraine INR Kiev ISMA Kharkov France CEN Bordeaux IReS Strasbourg LAL ORSAY LPC Caen LSCE Gif/Yvette Slovakia U. Bratislava Spain U. Valencia U. Zarogoza U. Autonoma Barcelona Czech Republic Charles U. Prague CTU Prague
SuperNEMO detector: possible design Number of Modules = 20 For each module Calorimeter : 300 to 1000 PMT’s (depending on the final design) Resolution (FWHM) at 3MeV = 4% Tracking : drift chamber (3000 cells in Geiger mode) Magnetic field : 25 gauss 14 m Source foil: 5 kg of enriched 150Nd or 82Se Water shield: 2kT of water for 20 modules (0) ~ 30 %
SuperNEMO source: 82Se, 150Nd Goal : T1/2 1026 y < m> 50 meV = G M ‹ m›2 2 T 82Se Q = 2.995 MeV Phase space factor G0 = 1.08 x 10-25 y-1eV-2 214Bi < 10 Bq/kg 208Tl < 2 Bq/kg Radon < 2 Bq/m3 Radiopurity requirements for the source T2 = 9 x 1019 y Expected background from 22 = 1.4 evt/500kg.y in 200 keV (200 keV energy window at Q) Enrichment by ultracentrifugation 150Nd Q= 3.367 MeV Phase space factor G0 = 8.00 x 10-25 y-1eV-2 Radiopurity requirements for the source 208Tl < 2 Bq/kg The best choice for phase space and background T2 = 9 x1018 y Expected background from 22 = 2.2 evt/500kg.y in 200 keV (200 keV energy window at Q) Enrichment by laser
SuperNEMO Design Study Feb’06 – Jan’09 Approved in UK and France. Similar proposals under consideration in Spain, Russia, Czech Republic, Japan Main tasks and deliverables R&D on critical components Optimisation of tracking detector Wiring automation Calorimeter energy resolution to 4% at 3 MeV Ultrapure source production and purity control Radon suppression /removal techniques Technical Design report Experimental site selection (New Frejus, Canfranc, Gran Sasso, Boulby) UK responsibility UK major involvement
SuperNEMO collaboration. Organizational chart Institutional Board (IB) Executive Committee IB Chair Project Manager Spokesperson and Deputy Spokesperson Technical Coordinator WP1 Manager WP2 Manager WP9 Manager Preliminary agreement at collaboration meeting at MSSL in April. Details being discussed
UK resonsibility WP2, WP9 Major involvement in WP1, WP7 UK institutions UCL (+MSSL) Manchester Imperial proposal under study by PPRP/SC UK positions: Ruben Saakyan – Deputy Spokesperson Stefan Soldner-Rembold – WP2 manager (UK main hardware responsibility) Jenny Thomas – WP9 manager Mary Carter(MSSL) – SuperNEMO UK project manager
For Work Packages please see Appendix B attached to the Report SuperNEMO UK personnel New postdoc – Irina Nasteva (Manchester), start full-time Aug’06 New postdoc – Zornitza Daraktchieva (UCL) started 26 Jun’06 2 new PhD students from October (1 Manchester + 1 UCL) + 1 MsC in Manchester + possibly in Imperial Staff at MSSL identified Mary Carter (50% project management), mechanical and electronic engineers and lab space preparation new lab in Manchester with clean room (moved in May) New Lab at MSSL being constructed (complete Apr’07) 250 m2 total 160 m2 Physics Lab including clean room + 32m2 Electronics Lab Built for joint HEP and SS projects, SuperNEMO is the main user Lab space at UCL being refurbished (ready July’06)
WP1. Calorimeter R&D Continuation of seed corn work Main goal: demonstrate with large scale production
WP1. Calorimeter. Work in Feb-Jun concentrated on PMT characterization (resolution vs saturation) CAMAC/NIM based DAQ refurbished 8” and 10” Hamamatsu studied and compared with 8” and 10” ETL picture from Sinead
Calorimeter work Hamamatsu similar resolution with ETL (FWHM = 7.5% at 1 MeV) at low HV but suspiciously good at higher HV (~5.2%). The problem identified – saturation. Solution after the meeting with Hamamatsu engineers – “smarter” divider chain
WP1-Calorimeter. Future plans and milestones High QE PMTs (~34%). Order for new Hamamatsu 3” PMT to be placed in July. Talks to be held with Hamamatsu and ETL VME based DAQ for calorimeter and calibration test stands – Dec’06 Scintillator blocks studies. Baseline choice of material and geometry – Feb’07 PMT characterization. SuperNEMO PMT specs draft – Feb’07 Scintillator bar resolution studies – Apr’07 Decision of calorimeter layout (bars vs blocks) – Jun’07 Calorimeter for 100+ prototype construction (TBC) – Oct’07
WP2. Tracker. Stefan Soldner-Rembold
WP9. Calibration Absolute (source), gain and linearity (Light Injection) Main tasks Conceptual design: Strength and type of sources LED vs laser, light distribution gain control with 1pe peak Milestones LI tests with UV, blue,… LEDs and 1pe calibration studies – Dec’06 Choice of calibration sources – Mar’06 Conceptual calibration design – Jul’07 Construction of calibration system for 100+ prototype – Oct’07 Commissioning of calibration system for 100+ prototype at MSSL – Feb’08 Testing full calibration chain with 100+ prototype at Canfranc – end’08
WP7. MC Simulations, Physics Analysis and Software Existing NEMO3 software is advanced but F77/Geant3 based “First order” SuperNEMO simulations carried out in Manchester, UCL and Strasbourg (F77/Geant 3 based) SuperNEMO software will be OO: C++/ROOT/Geant 4 OO framework is being set up (first bits written in UCL and Caen, regular meetings organized) Final decision on work breakdown in September Imperial proposal is considered by PPRP/SC. Main focus on augmenting the simulation effort. Alternative calorimeter design (scintillator bar readout) Site specific muon and neutron background simulations
Scintillator bar design Double sided readout
Conceptual design. Scintillator bars. Full detector layout. Top view Much more compact: 10×10 m2 floor area will accommodate a ~200 m2 foil (~100 kg) External walls as active shielding Save on scintillator and number of PMTs: only 2200 cheap 5” PMTs Bigger mass or 20-30 mg/cm2 foil may be affordable? Energy resolution can be relaxed in this configuration (10-11%? simulations needed) Promising but full simulations needed (IC input crucial!)